Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8089 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   lui1111 says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 11

    Hello I am new to the blog, actually its the first time blogging. I came across this topic and it caught my attention so I sign up. Reason why I sign up to this blog is because I recently open an Adult Sex Toys online and have had a few people comment on the picture its been a bit controversial. I honestly think its "HOT" and wanted your opinion on it. Thanks. LOVE AND PEACE TO ALL!!!

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  2. Posted: 12 Jan 11

    Hi Sarah, Don't be embarrassed it is a interesting story. You should publish it.

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  3.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 10 Jan 11

    Ms. Chocolatladi I'm so sorry! but I posted the last part on is a white man the ideal man for a black lady. I would post it here again, but I'm sure most of our fellow blogger's have had enough of our past/saga. I am rather flattered that you asked about it, should you not be able to find it I will gladly re-post it. Scoff and both laughed about the flirts, and we just love your profile. Now the Zebra issue, hmmm do they make senior citizen models, just wondering that sounds like it might be interesting. If we do Scoff said we had better have 911 on speed dial. I think those days are long past..... I'll settle for cuddling in front of the fire place and????? Recently I've been contacted by a publisher editor type that would like for us to put our Love story into a book or short story. Both of us are flattered, but are still thinking about it, as we don't think of it as an epic saga. Reality of it is that we are more embarrassed that we let public and family opinions/feelings control our lives. God Bless Love Sarah

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  4. Posted: 09 Jan 11

    Hi Sarah, Please finish the story, I think you left off when you met Scoff at the train station when he returned from Vietnam and you were traveling home from College. He was on crutches and you had heard his voice.....

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  5.   kissime says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 11

    Hi Sarah, I want a little romance in my life~ But I'm happy for you & Scoff...keep each other warm. Try Red Wine & Steak with Rice Pilaf on the floor by the fire place... whip cream on top of whatever's for dessert ;) YUMMY

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  6.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 11

    Good morning: Yes I'm still hanging around and reading all these wonderful post, so I just wanted by to say hello to all the special people, that make this site so successful. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to put your thoughts, opinions and feelings into words. Close to the week-end, cold weather means a fire in the fire place (mint tea) and cuddling with that special man. Watch some football and old movies, and hmmmm maybe a little romance. Remember we may be old but we still like to get romantic once in a while..... Love and God Bless Sarah

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    • Posted: 08 Jan 11

      @Scoff/Sarah Hi; You all.You want to buy a zebra,For when the fire dies down and you run out of wood! Just a suggestion.Take care! EddyReady

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  7. Posted: 07 Jan 11

    @kissime Yes,you are right,dear.I have worked and became friends with many black men over the years that are very nice people and nice to their ladies also.The black race is a very important part of our lifes.Of coures no matter how good a black man is,the black woman will always rule! EddyReady cares!

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 07 Jan 11

      The Black woman is the most powerful woman of the world. Our strength, Beauty and perseverance-Gifts from the Almighty God's Tears of Joy fill us with inspiration. Wrap our babies on our backs. Love them, protect them. Beaten by the sun's beautiful rays. Yet our Touch so gentle you Tremble. We are The Illuminati of the Heavens and of Earth Thank You, Mother Africa FA AKA Kissime

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  8.   kissime says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 11

    I think Afro Romance should have a topic for "Why the white women love the black men" Or " Why people are attracted to different races" Hopefully then they'd stop throwing stones. I know why some women loves the black men. Women loves the black men because they are strong, loving, charming, hardworking, kind, supportive, and family oriented. The black men carries the weight of the world on their shoulders. The black men is an incredible man.

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    • Posted: 08 Jan 11

      @Kissime You are so right,i have shed many tears over the years by way of EddieMurphy.From laughing my a.. off! What a talent .

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 11

    @ Dannyco56, Kisseme, Bigeyes and all of the people on this blog who are down with the topic of "Why white men love the black women" This is a great topic...keep it up.

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  10.   kissime says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 11

    Ladies & Gentlemen, do not listen to anyone who's trying to discourage you from finding love with whatever race you prefer. We have a lot of people assuming flirting is being desperate. And white men are only trying to use black women...heck, according to them, any men who is not black couldn't possibly love black women. I truly believe people are people--it matters not what race they are. I can only speak for myself when I say this: I'm an intelligent woman and very intuitive. I've dated men of most race, and I've found they are all men and they feel, they bleed, they hurt and laugh just like me. Some are players and some are not. I strongly encourage you all to take care of yourselves and not allow anyone to walk over you and have enough respect to not walk over others. It's unfortunate how some feel it's okay to write mean things about black women in order to stop us from being with the men of our preference. I hope when writing these insults about us they realize they're the ones insulting us. I'm truly disappointed in the people who feels the need to view profiles just to judge & humiliate- because...maybe, I don't know, they may be insane enough to join a dating site just for that purpose-that's just pathetic. I'm starting to wonder if they may have joined the wrong dating site.. .Geez, Louise! what women join a Heterosexual dating site to check out women's profile? that's just absurd! Still in the CLOSET? What are ya, a carpet muncher? I'm sure you have your special collection of things to twinkle your lights, BUTCH. I'll be damn the day I allow a man to disrespect me. I don't care what race he is. And I know you all respect yourselves to not allow that. We are all adults and we know what makes us feel good. Analyzing everything a man say just because he is not black--just proves how desparate some are to prove ignorant theories. And bittered minds from painful past sharing their pain... Misery do love company :( Can anyone honestly say black men do not look at women sexually? A man is a man. But I'm assuming if a man is not black it is illegal for him to look at black women sexually. Because if he does that means he's only trying to hit it & run :/ I better cover my goodies 'cause I sure don't want a sexy white men to look at me with the CRAZY EYEZ!! Oh, lord, here comes the white men with the CRAZY EYEZ!! RUN, sisters! He's gonna getcha!!! I have a cousin on black planet.com...so please Stop! Just STOP. Black men are just like any other men; Some good & some bad. Attraction is a powerful feeling. And as far as dressing sexy--DO YOU! Stop worrying about what every body else is doing. It's non of your business. We are all grown women...again, stop the preaching. I've known too many preacher's daughters/whores. Not saying at all that all preacher's daughters are whore, but I've met too many...skirt down to their ankles & sleeping with everybody. And I've met innocent ones too, of course. Do Not Judge A Book by It's cover...is definitely a true statement. I wear scrubs all day at work, stud earrings and no lipstick, wearing sun glasses- doing lunch break when it's warm I walk and I still get perverts unwanted/unwelcome attention. I say as long as you're not hurting anyone...DO YOU. Don't worry about pleasing people who does not approve. They never will. Once again, to all of the dictators, this is Not, From Russia With Love.

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    • Cynamyn82 says:
      Posted: 06 Jan 11

      Kissime, why do you always speak the truth? LOL. On a serious note, those who discourage me from my preference are the ones with problems. That is why it has become more and more difficult for me not to laugh at them.

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      • kissime says:
        Posted: 06 Jan 11

        Cynamyn82 , The Truth Shall Set Us Free ;) You're right...It's deliriously laughable. All of that anger because of ones preference...seriously? It reminds me of when I was in 4th grade this girl spread a rumor of me stuffing my bra. I could not understand for the life of me why she told such a lie...'cause I was so embarrassed of developing so young-I used to hide them. But now not only that she's lying She's bringing more attention to me that I did not want . But as I got older I understood. I don't know why I'm writing this. But I'm sleep deprived & bored. But Yes! Laughter is good :) ...Oh, I'm so naive...I thought the petty behavior would end after high school.

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        • Posted: 07 Jan 11

          Ladies,don't forget you got one of the guys laughing with you! We all need to get together,we would be a happy bunch! LoL.

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          • kissime says:
            Posted: 07 Jan 11

            EddyReady/BigTen, I'm glad you're laughing :) Eddy, The Queen of Sheba is Waiting for Her Zebra Eddy Half! Give me half, Eddy...Eddy, I want half (Eddie Murphy funny as heck...tranny hookers & all)

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    • Twilight101 says:
      Posted: 10 Jan 11

      @ Kissime I'm not trying to stop anyone from dating whoever they want to date. I am all for black women dating good men --regardless of the man's race. I have dated white men, both American and European. I have never dated a white man who was "looking for a black woman". My relationships were the result of compatibility...meeting at an event..having something in common...being introduced by friends. Of course attraction is important...men (in general) are visual. I hate to see women going to a negative extreme for a man's attention. It usually doesn't produce a healthy relationship. Carrying yourself in a tacky manner will not attract a good man of any race. Kissime, its not about race. I feel sorry for sisters who get so desparate that they prostitue themselves...just to get affection. An attractive woman can show her beauty with her breast and butt properly covered. A man who is really interested in "all of you", will want to know what's important to you...where you attend church...etc.

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      • kissime says:
        Posted: 10 Jan 11

        Twilight101, I understand your point of view and its importance to you. Your clarification is appreciated. Though I understand your modesty, I think your approach was lacking in polish. I'm sure you would not appreciate your profile viewed just to be treated with insolence. As I've written, we are all adults and I'm sure all on this blog have been judge negatively (regardless how trivial it may have been) One may think you're the devil in a Sunday hat. It would not be necessary nor would it be morally right to take the opportunity to rub salt in wound. I'm certain you should know better to call people out of their names...especially being a church goer & all. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven" "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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    • darkjokes says:
      Posted: 22 Jan 11

      Wow kissime, you do say what you think. I love it too. I have dated women of different races. I met my wife at work 24 years ago. At that time, a white man dating a black woman was looked at differently than it is today, believe me. Finally, thanfully, I asked her out. I am so glad neither of us worried about what others thought or what they were saying behind our backs. She is the only true love of my life. Anybody that is worried or scared of interracial dating and what others might think, may be missing out on something amazing in life. Our children always say they have the best of both worlds, lol. Oh,and she thinks she's a comedian btw. She came up with my nickname. She is black and I think I'm funny as heck. Guess we got one part right.

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      • kissime says:
        Posted: 22 Jan 11

        Hi darkjokes, 23 years of marriage...SWEET. I hope I get to love the same man for so many sweet years & more one day. Keep her happy & she will keep you happy. I've found the little ways of showing appreciation & love makes the heart pounds a little faster with joy. You're absolutely right, your children have the best of both worlds...they are perfect just as all children. My son asked me if he was white a few months ago-because he resembles his father more. And @ the age of 5 does not see more than what is apparent to him. I told him he was biracial/ mulatto (mix)- and he said "is daddy biracial too" I said "no, daddy is white & mommy is black" he said "you're brown" :) He's said I looked like chocolate milk one day...kids are so funny. We never discuss race because we never feel it's needed. But when our son asked we are honest & try to clarify as innocently as possible. He also asked how he got in my tummy & how he was taken out of my tummy....oh jeez...I love that little guy. He said " Did Jesus put me in your tummy" I said "No, God did , you should ask daddy-he'll tell you" HA!! Your wife sounds like an amazing woman. I do have tendency to speak my truth...unfortunately, many have the same approach to life. I've learned to sleep on my thoughts for a day or more prior to verbalizing. I find that's best since my thoughts may be insulting or just plain WRONG. I'm really focusing on age & wisdom-I've met a few aged without and it is truly sad-because they just Don't Get It. And I listen & learn from the ones who's aged gracefully with dignity & respect to all. ...I'm still working on it... as I've told my kid when he asked how old I was, I said "25'' His dad's age changes depending on my mood :) ...Hey, I'm still growing, give me a break ;)

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        • darkjokes says:
          Posted: 26 Jan 11

          23 years of marraige and she still puts up with me. She is an amazing woman. My wife does say what she thinks also. So much better to have a woman that isnt afraid to be strong than a woman that thinks she has to hide behind her man. I can always tell when somebody says something she doesnt agree with or something that she thinks is "stupid or ridiculous" I just shake my head and think...here it comes. she never treats people with disrespect or tells them they are wrong. We try to make sure our children stay strong in life and try to make the right decisions in life but not be afraid to make mistakes. The title of this discussion is "why white men love the black woman"..and honestly, I cant think of just one or two things that would answer this question. I could make a long list tho. She has been reading this discussion along with me. She says the white man loves the black woman because the woman is black..enough said lol. I'm thinking I got way off the subject here.But ty kissime. You do make people stop and think.

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  11.   amermacsnel says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 11

    BUT... they don't seem to LOVE ME BACK! Can a brother tell me why?

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    • newtoorlando says:
      Posted: 06 Jan 11

      Unfortunately, amermacsnel.....women with more self esteem who don't place their worth in the lyrics and looks of Nikki Minaj are passed by because we see and smell the b.s. from a mile away

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    • karamelkitti says:
      Posted: 12 Jan 11

      Don't worry about why they don't love you. Love yourself first as the beautiful Black woman that you are. True love starts within. Then open yourself and your mind up to those around you who actually want to love you, regardless of their color. Don't let your good man slip away simply because he doesn't have a high amount of melanin in his skin. You could be passing up your dream guy! Don't get it twisted, I find Black men to be very attractive physically. But sometimes, that just isn't enough. I need more mental stimulation and less drama. I spent 28+ years of my life dating Black men just because other people told me that this was what I should be doing. Now at age 36, I couldn't imagine my life without dating men of other races. When I think about all the cultural differences, traditions, family values, and life experiences that I've shared with men of other races.......I wouldn't trade it for the world!

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  12.   amermacsnel says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 11

    I just want to say for the record... I LOVE ME SOME BLACK MEN!!!!

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  13.   tont says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 11

    Julius I did not mean that all black men act the same, I have amazing friends brothers and father who treated women right. Its only that MOST black men have an ego problem, or dont know how to treat a GOOD woman right. I did not get hurt by a black man, but when I see lots of black women at work, friends constantly hurting coz of a black man, It makes me not even want to know what they have to offer. Most of my friends dating white men are happy, not because of money, but because of the love and respect.

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  14.   davidsr says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 11

    God created all of us. Red, yellow, black, and white we are all presious in his site.

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    • knowhour says:
      Posted: 23 Jan 11

      I find many of the comments on this site disturbing. People are people. Some good, some not so much. I like men of all types. It's about who you are not your race. It seems to me that those who see women struggling with black men, as most associated with black folks. Most of the people I know are white; therefore I am witness to the problems white women have with their white husbands. Not all relationships work or last. A person can attract and date anyone they choose and there is absolutely no need for justification. It is this desire or feeling that one needs explain that causes the negative rhetoric. I am getting divorced after 11yrs, from a white man. Do I now hate all white men - nope. Do I now think that white men are cruel - no. My first husband was a black man. We had different goals; he wanted babies, I refused - he wanted to live overseas, I did not. We are still friends, and he has a wife and child. What's the big deal. My marriage was a bad deal - We will not be friends. Relationships are relationships, some good some not so good; some last some don't. If you prefer a specific race - then just say you do and make no efforts to but down your own, or anyone else's so unnecessary. I like men - white, black or otherwise. I've dated men of many races, Jewish, African, Iranian... So now I'm back out there, it's about a connection. If we like one another, then possibilities exist for friendship and/or love.

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  15.   julius says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 11

    Dear tont sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a black man, but i would just like to say not all of us mistreat black women. i had a bad experience with a black woman, but that does not put me off them. I love the black woman in my family and i have many close black female friends so i would never bad mouth black women as a whole. Always remember quality has no colour

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 11 Jan 11

      Welcome to the board, Julius & WNJ41 We need more men with class and signification to participate on these topics posted with the idea of love (@ time) which induces arousing interest. Your rational inputs are noticed...especially when many have made simplicity so controversial in order to leap to offend in the name of their pain & sorrow. Yet the truth is apparent--and I empathize. But viciousness in a sentence or more to make a point- unworthy , while inflicting unwelcome pain one holds within,and justifying as if rescuing is ironically unjustifiable and intolerable-- cruelty, written, verbal or physical; all the same.

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      • darkjokes says:
        Posted: 15 Jan 11

        I have been married to a beautiful black woman for almost 23 yrs. ( I am white )I came across this blog purely by chance. Hopefully, I'm ok with leaving a reply even tho I am not looking to hook up. It was tough at the beginning of our marraige. Alot of stupid and rude comments about me and my wife and our marraige. But now, who cares what ppl think. Both of our families accepted the marraige long ago. My wife is a beautiful woman inside as well. People that look down on interracial dating or marraiges are very shallow. Our children have realized that color doesnt matter. What matters is the person.

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  16.   tont says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 11

    A white man loves a black womans love and strengh, A black man is intimidated by it, thats why they try to break you slowly, through your emotions by cheating etc to make themselves feel needed by you. Keep on being strong. Keep your head high, you deserve love and above all respect. I love watching the envy in a black man when they see a white man do what they couldnt do. JUST SIMPLY LOVING ME AND GETTING IT BACK. HAPPY MAMA, HAPPY HOME.

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    • davidsr says:
      Posted: 02 Jan 11

      No doubt a lot of black men have a masculinity problem and a wrong way of thinking.

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    • Posted: 02 Jan 11

      @Tont YOU GO GIRL! EddyReady/BigTen cares!

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    • TYRANT says:
      Posted: 22 Jan 11

      This is something you should already know but I'm going to say it anyway: If most black men were truly intimidated by the black woman's love and strength then the vast MAJORITY of black men wouldn't be dating/married to black women. It's one thing to have a bad experience but don't use that event as an EXCUSE to paint all black men with a broad brush. You're the very reason WHY interracial dating gets such a BAD RAP; by your own words you've admitted that you can't LOVE, APPRECIATE, VALUE, and RESPECT non-black men without DEGRADING black men in the process. I just want to add that you're also the REASON why it's so VITAL for parents of every COLOR to talk to their children not only about SEX, but about LOVE, LUST (the difference between the two) PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY, and yes, REJECTION. There are too many black woman walking around who got their asses ROYALLY KICKED in either a past relationship/relationships who instead of licking their wounds and HEALING, allowed the hurt and pain to fester into something SICK and IRRATIONAL. Hence the reason why there are black women PROCLAIMING their LOVE for white men while DEMEANING black men in the process. By the way, I read your response to julius further down and I thought that was a LOUSY attempt at damage control. You know as well as I do that you don't have, and I quote " have amazing friends brothers and father who treated women right. Its only that MOST black men have an ego problem, or dont know how to treat a GOOD woman right." because if that were the case you NEVER would've posted the CRAP you did. Just my observation.

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      • MadamePrez says:
        Posted: 05 Mar 11

        This is absolutely true. I date men of all backgrounds and as a black woman i would NEVER put down a brotha under any circumstance to justify why I date out. Black men are our fathers, our brothers, our uncles, our sons. You may not want to date a black man but do not put him down if you came from one. That's like men calling women bitches when ALL men without exception come from a woman. Madness. Let's be more respectful, shall we? Not cool ladies.

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  17.   davidsr says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 11

    As much as I like intelligence in a woman I seek a kind, warm, and loving heart first.

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  18.   davidsr says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 11

    I believe personally myself, that as a whole black women, ouside of being very beautiful and sexy, are very devoted and loyal to their mates. They are for no nonsense and usually have good common sense. They demand to be treated with respect and well they should be. I believe every man should be proud to have such a lady in his life and be strong and stand up for her against all odds. Be true to your mate.

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  19. Posted: 01 Jan 11

    @Heart2Fill So true,dear! No one has to live with it but us.Good luck in your search! EddyReady cares!

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  20.   heart2fill says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 10

    Well now this was a nice article...I have to say I just love men but it is true some black men seem too find black women achievement intimidating. I love white men because they accept you for you and if you have a little more than they have so what! If they want you they want you as long as you treat them like a man. For me a white man has always been a little gentler by nature , calmer not saying that there aren't jerks in every bunch its just what i have ran into...unfortunately though i am still looking for my white king but for everyone i say love what you love no one has to live with it but YOU!!!!!

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  21.   fixin2 says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 10

    I'm new to this site.... but was just looking through this blog... is this really a problem? Still? Even on a site that spells it out in it's name? I date only black women because that's what I like, and I'm not going to deny myself what I find attractive for anyone. I didn't think anyone needed an "excuse" to date someone. Why are some people worried about the well being of a couple they don't even know? And if you are half of that couple, why would you care?

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    • diosadeebano says:
      Posted: 01 Jan 11

      I agree with you !! who cares :)

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    • davidsr says:
      Posted: 02 Jan 11

      It shouldn't matter what other think. We have to make our on dicisions and life and live with it. We can't let others live our lives for us. Do what makes you happy.

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    • karamelkitti says:
      Posted: 12 Jan 11

      Well put, thank you! I won't apologize for who I choose to find attractive. It's my life and I'm entitled to love whomever I choose. We are the only mammal on earth of the same species who will not mate based on pedigree. If you put a male Chihuahua and a female Great Dane in a room together, they will find a way to make it happen, lol. If you find someone who treats you the way that you want to be treated and stimulates you(mind and body), why should their color matter?

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  22.   Dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 10

    Merry Christmas friendly13 and all on this board. God Bless! Danny

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  23.   kissime says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 10

    I was a wife to a white man before I became a mother. My mother was a wife to my father, a black man before she became a mother. And they're divorced. Both of my grand mothers were wives prior to becoming mothers. Many of my friends of different races were wives prior to becoming mothers. And many of my friends of different races are mothers & fathers out of wedlock. We all know the reality of life at time may not be our dreams . I speak of love, and yes, my preference is Caucasian. I can not control what some men may have in mind. I can only control my life . This is a dating site. Not a bash site-to slap women who choose to date out of their race-regardless of their reasons. So please lets respect ourselves enough to give respect to others. Thank you.

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    • himone says:
      Posted: 29 Dec 10

      really disagree with this topic and i see you talking me about one becoming a wife before one was a mother. one talked about ones mother was a wife before she was a mother. one talked and talked and talked about one thing which one constantly said over and over that they were divorced, divorced, divorced. even in one own case one is divorced. we all know the reality of life. in this reality i would like that woman to know the difference between love and lust. if there is going to be respect read what one say to aand about black women and understand what that one means in ones saying. if one accept the indirect meaning of how he see black women and slapping black men in the face and you smile from ear to ear about it then its ones own dilemma when one will end up divorced.

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      • kissime says:
        Posted: 30 Dec 10

        himone, you wrote "wow!!!!! i am still seeing theis relationship thing going way south. ladies of african decent if you falling for this type of b.s. then you can easily see that many women of african decent can say they are mothers but only a select few can say they are wives. just my observation which i hope i am not the only one who can see it." You can not generalize all relationships base on B.S written by some individuals, white or any other race. You gave your opinion of YOUR observation. I gave opinion of MY observation. This is not your site to dictate how things should be, how people should see what you want them to see. I know the difference between love & lust. And for us to continue with this B.S you're obviously not introducing is pointless. I don't know why you join this interracial site nor do I care. You've have made your point and the majority have marked the degree of their agreement or disagreement. I have done the same as well. So once again, you can not dictate people's feelings.

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      • Sexxy09 says:
        Posted: 11 Jan 11

        Some of the comments about black women on here, you would think we were aliens or something. Himone I agree with you. Black women have to be careful when dating outside of their race, and not do it because you are mad at black men, because dogs come in all colors. Black women have been oversexulized in the media, and men believe we are really like that. I still love black men, but do date outside my race, but from experience a white man is not going to be serious with you if he has been married to a women of the same race, and they have kids, or if their is money involved. Of course their are exceptions to this, but not many. I have met white men who have never dated a black women before? All of a sudden now they want to be serious with you? Just be very discerning about anyone regardless of their race.

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        • Ryan357 says:
          Posted: 15 Jan 11

          Sexxy09, I commend you for your realistic views and your honesty is very refreshing. I am a 35 year old white man. I grew up in a city that was and still is quite diverse. Thus over the years, I have dated multiple ethnicities. It is indeed sad to say that in this day and age, in 2011, racism and ignorance still is prevelant in todays society, even in the US Military, as I am a former Marine and current soldier in the US Army. I do not discriminate to woman of any ethnicity, however black woman is indeed my preference and I know will remain to be that until the the God takes me home. Black woman, are beautiful in every way to me. I have met some people in the Military, especially back when I was in the Marine Corps, as that was in 1994 to 1998, that had told me the first time that they ever seen a person of any ethnicity other than there own other than on television, was when they joined and went to boot camp, that blew my mind. I am sure that can still be said of many people. My heart bleeds for the atrocities that occured hundreds of years ago, and I find it very saddening that anyone of any ethnicity still harbors that today. I can not say I understand, as I was not in that era, however I can imagine how challenging it is in certain places of this nation, such as many southern states. But it is sad to me though, education and exposure is the key, are we not all of the same race? We are all members of the human race, over many centuries, the human body had acclimate itslef to adapt to the region in which we were all born in. Hence, different ethnicities. I am not saying everyone should go out and date outside their ethnicity just to "have a jump off", however, people such as myself just have a preference. I was married for 7 years and my ex wife is Mexican, she was the first hispanic woman I ever dated, but it was not to "try it out", just turned out her and I were very compatible and we fell in love. Thank you for your time and I may have ranted on. Have a great day!!! Repsectfully, yours, Ryan.

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  24.   himone says:
    Posted: 24 Dec 10

    wow!!!!! i am still seeing theis relationship thing going way south. ladies of african decent if you falling for this type of b.s. then you can easily see that many women of african decent can say they are mothers but only a select few can say they are wives. just my observation which i hope i am not the only one who can see it.

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  25. Posted: 23 Dec 10

    Why i love black woman? It's simple,everything from a-z! [A],Their awsome ! [B],Their beautiful ! [C],Their caring ! [D],Their dedicated ! [E],Their enjoyable company ! [F],Their Fun to be with ! [G],Their great in the bedroom ! [H],Their hot ! [I],Their irresistible ! [J],Their just plain loveable ! [K],They keep you comming back for more ! [L],They have luscious lips ! [M],Their great mother's ! [N],Their never lost for words ! [O],Their off the hook ! [P],Their so precious ! [Q],Their quite amazing ! [R],Their really cool ! [S],Their real sexxxy ! [T],Their the total package ! [U],Their understanding ! [V],Their very charming ! [W],They will work together with you ! [X],Their xxx in the bedroom ! [Y],Their your pride and joy ! [Z],They will ride around the bedroom naked on a zebra,just because you asked them too! Sorry,could not think of anything else for z ! These are the reasons i love the black woman so much! EddyReady

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 24 Dec 10

      EDDYREADY/BIGTEN, who rode you naked on a zebra? I knew you were a wild one ;) Mental note: must ride naked on a zebra ;) highly recommended by EDDYREADY/BIGTEN

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      • Posted: 24 Dec 10

        Kissime,i raise them in my back yard,i have plenty! Maybe i will send you one for christmas! Check you later,hon! EddyReady/BigTen cares!

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    • Cynamyn82 says:
      Posted: 24 Dec 10

      LMBO at the naked zebra! EDDYREADY/BIGTEN, you are too much! that might actually spice up a relationship :P

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  26.   kissime says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 10

    BLKPRIDE, NOPLAYER, EDDYREADY/BIGTEN, viator1: I want to thank you all for regarding the blogs with such respect. You all have always made your points without degradation. Your intellectual decadence shows true class. BLKPRIDE, though I think your approach may have been surprising, you have never expressed ugliness by nature. I appreciate your humility. And your acknowledgment of how things can be at a balance shows the man that you are. I would really like for you all to engage in these conversations–for I can only communicate effectively with men and women of great nobility. Sincerely, Kissime

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    • Posted: 23 Dec 10

      Kissime,Thank you for your kind words.I apricate them and i know the other guys do to.I look foward to reading your and the other ladies comments on these blogs! You all keep up the good work.You're the one's that make it happen! If it was only men in these forums,nobody would be talking to anyone.Take care!

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  27.   calalilly says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 10

    I don't think there are miilions of white men looking for black women. I think it's something that can only be processed on a very individual level. because you get several different kinds of white people and you get several different kinds of black people. Some white guys have embraced the hip hop culture, some guys have traveled to places where there are many black women and have been impressed. there a hundreds of varieties of situations. And there are still a whole lot more white men who would never look at a black woman, than there are white men who are looking at one.

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  28.   kissime says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 10

    Hello to all of the parents. Check out your local public library for hit programs. Preschool stories are so much fun for your little ones. Family films are also great to spend time together at the library...and also, if you haven't, Santa Claus should still be taking wishes. So have your children write a list & mail it to Santa (if you're into that kind of stuff) This year I predict Santa will give my little guy a chest game. But he's getting a drum set & harmonica from mommy :) Hey, I can't let the jolly guy in a red suit get all of the credit ;) Mommy worked hard for that drum set. Happy Hanukkah~ Merry Christmas~ Happy Kwanzaa~ Happy Solstice Sincerely & Lovingly, Kissime

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  29.   kissime says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 10

    All I Want For Christmas Is You I don't want a lot for Christmas There's just one thing I need I don't care about presents Underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you. I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don't care about presents Underneath the Christmas tree I don't need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace Santa Claus won't make me happy With a toy on Christmas day I just want you for for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you You baby I won't ask for much this Christmas I won't even wish for snow I'm just gonna keep on waiting Underneath the mistletoe I won't make a list and send it To the North Pole for Saint Nick I won't even stay awake to Hear those magic reindeer click 'Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do Baby all I want for Christmas is you You All the lights are shining So brightly everywhere And the sound of children's Laughter fills the air And everyone is singing I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa won't you bring me the one I really need Won't you please bring my baby to me Oh, I don't want a lot for Christmas This is all I'm asking for I just want to see my baby Standing right outside my door Oh I just want him for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true Baby all I want for Christmas is You All I want for Christmas is you baby All I want for Christmas is you baby. by Mariah Carey I can't wait for Christmas! I hope you all have a Beautifully warm Holiday with your family & friends. Every time I hear this song I get so warm & fuzzy inside...it makes me smile :)

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  30.   Nikster67 says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 10

    I love black women for a few reasons: 1. Their looks. I love their curves and their dark skin...the darker the better. 2. They are less uptight about sex than white girls. 3. For me, loving a black woman closes some of the hurts of history and 4. It erodes racism. I love black women.

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    • Cynamyn82 says:
      Posted: 22 Dec 10

      Nikster67....let's get married :P

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      • kissime says:
        Posted: 22 Dec 10

        Cynamyn82 ...you little FLIRT! ;) Nikster67 IS a HOT TOTTIE ! ;) ;)

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        • Cynamyn82 says:
          Posted: 24 Dec 10

          Oh yes Kissime...a blue-eyed, blonde-haired hot tottie! Too bad I'm not close in location to where he is.

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    • himone says:
      Posted: 24 Dec 10

      thanks nikster67 believe it or not you have engaged in whole new dynamic of racism with the comments. 1. african/african-american woman have fabulous looks but not once you thought they were intelligent. 2. a women regardless of race are or arent uptight with sex its the person they having it with makes them uptight so that says a lot about you with your own race dont want to engage in a sex relationship with you. 3. and 4. by you dating a african/african-american woman does not solve racism or the history it shows again that you see the african/african-american people as a pawn and you taking advantage of it.

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      • Twilight101 says:
        Posted: 04 Jan 11

        Thanks, himone, I agree with you! These sisters are so desperate for a man, they'll take anything...any comment as a complement. Black women are so diverse. Some of us don't have big lips, curves, or dark skin. Ladies, please know that posting pictures of yourself scantly dressed, attracts men looking for sex...not relationships. Some of the women in this blog look like hookers...hoochies! No "self-respecting" man, of any race, is going take you serious.

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        • Posted: 08 Jan 11

          @Twilight101 Now hold on a second honey,i agee with alot of what you had to say but not everything! Yes,just like you said,i have seen profiles of scantly clad women on this site that look like hookers....hoochies and i have also seen profiles of scantly clad women that look like pure baby dolls! It is not what you wear,it is how you wear !t! It's called style and class.Nothing wrong with a woman showing off a little bit of the goods if it is done in the right way.If i meet a scantly dressed woman and the conection and personality is there,she will diffently be respect with honor! But,yes Twilight,like you said,men are men and some will always look at things differently than other.The black ladies are masters and dressing up and looking so DAM'N sexy and i respect everyone of them!!! EddyReady cares!

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        • Hotlizie1 says:
          Posted: 01 Feb 11

          @Twilight 101 - We aint thirsty cause strong, independent, and intelligent black women got that spice so we don't have to be desparate we jus know what we want, what we like and recognize when we are apreciated . it doesn't matter what color a man is if he treats us like the queens we r. As black we women need to mos def be open to men of other racial ethnicities and stop shorting ourselves ending up lonely jus because "we wasn't raised like that". Oh n about the dress, on my site I have on a beautiful white lace lingerie outfit that shows off jus a few of my gorgeous chocolate physical attributes/curves. The intelligent, professional, articulate, and respectful men that I have attracted have approached and treated me with the utmost respect never like a whore or prostitute.

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          • Posted: 04 Feb 11

            @Holtizie1 Thanks,honey! I'm glad you like my style.! hope it is comming from the heart. Checked out your profile and pictures,cool ! I like the way you look in your white lace lingerie ! Smile ! Respectfuly,EddyReady/BigTen !

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          • Posted: 05 Feb 11

            @Hotlizie1 Princess,i'm a big fan of spicey food ! I like the strong,independent and intelligent flavor from Indiana the best ! See ya ! EddyReady/Big Ten cares !

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          • uniqchocladi says:
            Posted: 29 Jun 12

            @Twilight101 is right when he said that sisters are desperate for a man. I am a black woman and absolutely appalled at the words and actions of some of the black men that I've dated. A lot of it is disrespectful. I've been able to effectively communicate with a few of them about why they thought what they said/did was ok while I found it to be offensive. ie.Always trying to touch me or constantly talking about my ass. Maybe it's me, but that's not ok. What I've found is that I'm the one that's trippin (according to them). Men have told me that I'm uptight and it's not that serious. That I'm attractive and it's a compliment. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!!! Which is why I would never take pics of me in under garments and post them. I already know that men are visual, imaginative and typically horny. Why would I post a half naked pic of myself and expect him to respect me as a lady? He doesnt know me but as a profile on a website. Why would he want to be more interested in me if I'm throwin the ass at him? You have to look like respect to get respect, at the very least. But going back to women being desperate, I've summed it up to men must think its ok to be sexually disrespectful because other women go for it. Then I thought, other women must be flattered by it. Then I was like, then u got the ones that welcome it. Like the scantily dressed women. It's so frustrating. That's actually one of the major reasons why I'm on this site. I've dated white man before in the past and it was a great experience. It seems to me that white men are more serious than black men when it comes to loving relationships.

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      • WNJ41 says:
        Posted: 09 Jan 11

        Let me try to get Himone out of the red here, and reiterate I am a Dutch (not American) white man; Himone is in the red because people respond with their emotions (very dangerous, doomed for disaster), and when they see something nice they respond with low impulse control cause it looks good not realizing that Himone is correct in all of his points! I wonder why any woman or man wants to be admired by generalizations based on race (ism). What Nickster 67 is displaying is what racism or discrimination feeds on. I have been married to a black woman fro 7 years and have two bi racial children. I fell in love with her because I worked with her, saw how smart she was and I admired her confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity (see article, and only the last point could maybe more applicable to black woman then white woman, but this still depends on the person individually!) Why did I decide to make race not an issue? Beause, (and now Nickster pay attention!) I did not have an emotional reaction to the color of her skin (like many have done in history whether a positive or negative it shows ignorance), nor did I have an emotional reaction because of the way she was shaped, nor based on (American) white men’s guilt, and nor based on a grandiosity Nickster carries to be able to fix past history. I had an emotional reaction because of how she was as an individual. Now ladies don’t you want to feel special and unique? Don’t go with Nickster, he may run into a darker black woman, no matter how special you are, tough luck for you!.Himone thanks for speaking up. Ps I am divorced now, she turned out to be a hard woman to live with, and this was not cause she had beautiful skin, or beautiful eyes, or was a stunning looking person or cause she was black.

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        • songbird1205 says:
          Posted: 22 Jan 11

          I am really late to this party. However, I agree with alot of opinion. Race is and continues to be a sensitive topic worldwide (clearly) and as much as we would like to believe the advancement of technology decreases barriers and stereotypes they do. Colonialism did a "job" on how we think of each other as humans and its depressing. We still havent been able to look beyond stereotypes and embrace one another as individuals. I believe that many women of color struggle with dating outside of our race for many reasons...."will our relationship with stand bigotry? will this man (if he's white) be willing to stand up for me?" I think these concerns cross continents. . Quite honestly, I would like for a man to see me as a glorious woman who completes him. ya know? But its wonderful knowing that there are a many black women and white men committed to take a chance on love and have wonderful relationships.

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        • bsugar00 says:
          Posted: 06 Feb 11

          WNJ41, All I can say is well put. Whenever someone's reason for dating interracially is because of skin color, curves or sexual desires then perhaps that person should not date interracially. That indicates (well, at least for me) a red flag. I am impressed you read between the lines and realized the bullshtttt Nickster was spewing. To all the sisters on this site, be careful, a lot of predators!!!!!!

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      • Hotlizie1 says:
        Posted: 01 Feb 11

        @ Himone - Wow! u r entitled to ur opinion but sounds like sum hatin goin on.

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    • diosadeebano says:
      Posted: 01 Jan 11


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    • yobaby40 says:
      Posted: 03 Jan 11

      I'm with Cynamyn82

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    • Hotlizie1 says:
      Posted: 01 Feb 11

      Mmmm luv u 2 Nikster67!

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  31.   kissime says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 10

    Can the site create a blog dealing with politic, the economy and world news? I'm starting to get bored. Thank you.

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  32.   nettiegtn says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 10

    seems like every where I go I attract white guys, farthest I've gone was a kiss and i was only 17 . Great Article

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  33.   bamagirltae says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 10

    I love this article! It's great to know that white men are drawn to strength, because growing up I saw so many black guys my age that were intimidated by the very same thing!

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  34.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 10

    @ eddyready/bigten I am glad you enjoyed my comment.

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  35.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 10

    @ ablackman What just because I am open to dating white men one should infere that I stop speaking to black men. What should I stop speaking to my sons, my father, my uncles, my brother, my neighbor, the guy walking down the street (rhetorical question). That is rediculous. Racisim is me refusing to date a man because a man of another race says I should not because of his own ego. That would make me a stupid individual which I am not a stupid individual. If a white man finds me attractive and the feeling is mutual I am going out with him. If he treats me right and wants me to be his woman then I will be his woman. If there are people who don't like it that is too bad. The best thing for them to do is to continue to do what they do and let me do what I am going to do. Why should others lose sleep over what I am doing? My family, friends, and God have no problem with me becoming involved with white men and neither do I.

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    • Posted: 29 Nov 10


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    • yobaby40 says:
      Posted: 03 Jan 11

      I'm giving friendly13 a thumbs up. i agree 100% it's my life and i can do whatever makes me happy and if that's means dating outside my race then so be it. I believe love is love and it has no color barrier. Good Luck to anyone willing to jump outside the box and find love in any race..

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  36.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 10

    @ kissime I feel you on that. Black women know how to keep our priorities straight. We have to work hard and put our children first. I hope that all is well with you and your family. Peace.

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 28 Nov 10

      friendly13, thank you so much. Yes, I believe all will be well. Our blessings are always counted for. Thank you GOD for holding me, when no one else knows how.

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  37.   kissime says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 10

    ablackman, I love people. But sometime I'm just not in the mood to say hello. Give me a break!! stop taking it so personally. Maybe I'm just having a bad day of the month- Maybe I'm hungry. I may have had a bad day @ work. Maybe my son is sick & I'm just @ the store getting his medication & trying to hurry back home to take care of him, to hold him and kiss him. To tell him he will feel better soon- while worrying about not having a sitter & I might have to call off work . Maybe I'm trying to hurry to pick my grandmother up from work-after an 8 hour shift-taking care of the ill-rushing from the gym, picking up my son from school. Trying to figure out what to cook for dinner. Trying to do a load of laundry after putting my son to sleep before I can close my eyes for a few hours just to do it all again the next day. Maybe I'm concern about working overtime to pay my child's tuition on time-so I don't get that late fee. Maybe I'm worry about my sister's business she's working so hard for & I really don't mind helping her-but I want he to succeed, and I help because she's my sister & I love her. I'm just too tired to say hello. Maybe I'm worried about my mother because my step father who is only 52 years old has prostate cancer and his daughter who is only 21 years old had a tumor in her liver. Maybe I'm sad because everyday in the news and every day 80 people in my country is dying. Can you forgive me for not saying hello? Are my reasons justifiable enough? Tell me.

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  38.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 10

    @ Viator1 Wow! Those are pretty fantastic findings. Thanks for sharing those truths. But I like the differences too don't you?

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  39.   ablackman says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 10

    The new wold!do WTF you want to do, but you don't have to point it out and rub it in the world's face, but...Some of you sisters act like you can do without your own kind and the hell with them. Don't ever forget that you are black and you will always be that word within the heart of the ones that you fall into. You prefer to join the winning team? fine! Go ahead! Just don't you forget! I have no problem with whites, except for the rasist type, but I have seen where our sisters have decided to cross over, thus, dissing the black male as if all of us have done wrong! Don't ever let your arogance blind you from saying hello to your fellow brother, for that is what I am seeing these days.

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  40.   viator1 says:
    Posted: 27 Nov 10

    Don't let anyone tell you why all people of a certain ilk are some way or other. It's never that simple. Why do people seem to get so hung up on race? We wouldn't even be talking about racially mixed relationships, if it haddn't been so culterally taboo in years past. Was even against the law until the 1960, I think (date not vetted). A stupid law. I do not doubt for a second that there are culteral differenced between us. But men are still men and women, women, regardless of race. Color is only skin deep. Have any of you heard of the genetic experiements that proved that genetically speaking, we are not different? That a blonde haired and blue eyed girl, has just as much chance of being closely related genetically to a african boy in another country, who doesn't look anything like her. Again, looks are only skin deep. In 1972 Richard Lewontin performed a statistical analysis of the data available on blood proteins. His results showed that the majority of genetic differences between humans, about 85%, were found within a population. 7% of genetic differences were found between populations within a race. Only 8% on average was found to differentiate between races Our differences are in ancestry, not genetic, where we all share 99.9% of the same genes. Perhaps i'm taking this a little more scientifically than was meant. But, it bares saing, we have far more in common than we do in differences. Well, it’s important to understand that I am not a 20-something. I am 47, as I write this, and that gives me some (but not much) historical perspective. Basically, what I am saying is, for every 10 years you go back in time, it is/was progressively more difficult to date outside one’s race. Go back far enough and it was actually against the law. Rediculious! I think it’s just great that more and more people feel empowered to date who they are attracted to regardless of race. I guess, it’s also important to say that I was raised on the LEFT COAST by liberal intellectuals (lol). Maybe it’s just me who doesn’t see the divide anymore. First of all, I LIKE differences. It probably has not escaped your notice that I am a white male. So, why do I love black women? Well, the fact is, I don't care what color you are, as long as you have that certain something. I think the reason I am attracted is because of a few things. I find the skin color and other differences intriguing & very attractive. Perhaps, as simple as this sounds, it has to do with where I was raised (and how) at the beach (Santa Monica, CA) and every cute girl I saw had a healthy dark tan and I liked the look. You'd have to be there to understand, I suppose; interesting culture. Maybe I always liked a little color. It was perhaps at age 21 when I got up the nerve to cross the racial divide and ask a girl out. I have always been attracted to women different from myself in some interesting way. Does this sound anything like the rather 2-dimentinal explanation this article above offers?

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    • Tannie56 says:
      Posted: 02 Dec 10

      Hey viator1i agree with with we let us get past the black and white and just love and date who we are attracted to,I wish people would stop saying i am dating a white guy or girl personally that sound so tacky to me he is a man she is a woman.Just saying..

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  41. Posted: 25 Nov 10

    I also want to thank you for sharing why white men love black women. It should not matter what race you are, it's about how you are being treated. I don't receive a lot of flirts from white guys on this site, but that's okay. As long as I read comments on this blog that's positive, I get a good feeling. I love it when people meet and fall in love, it's a great feeling. So all that have found their mates here, Congratulations, may god be with you. Always love what's on the inside, as well as the outside.

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  42.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 24 Nov 10

    @ Jabrony Thank you for sharing the reason why you love us black women. I came to this blog to find out what it is about me that white men could find attractive. You are certainly a white man and definitely qualify to tell me and other black women who want to know. I appreciate your vivid explanation. thanks a bunch. I think that white men are very sexy too. But I know that this site is for the purpose of sharing "why white men love the black women"

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  43.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 24 Nov 10

    @ blue1 First I would like to holla, hello again everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful thanksgiving. blue1, thank you for sharing that a real white man can appreciate and love the us black women and our big curve.

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 26 Nov 10

      Hi Friendly13, I hope & I'm sure you had a wonderful thanksgiving. Well I just added a few inches to my curves from thanksgiving dinner--so can I get some appreciation from a sexy Anglo man?! I'm blaming my grandmother. She told me I wouldn't gain weight from 1 day - as I was reaching for 2nd--hesitantly (and mumbling "oh gosh") for the adobo chicken & Pancit noodles my mother cooked while the real thanksgiving dinner was cooking. But seriously, I have to get on the elliptical. I've done some serious damage in a day!!

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  44.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Nov 10

    @ dannyco56 It is good to hear from you and to see you are still around. Yes, I finally got my porch finished. It is beautiful.

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  45.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Nov 10

    @ ajlewis Thanks for your honesty. It is nice to date a whiteman who doesn't want you just because you are black. There are white men out there who are not afraid to date a woman they find attractive when it just happens that the woman also happens to be black. You are so right. Why refuse to date a person they find attractive and like simply because of their skin color. That really is unfortunate.

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  46.   ajlewis says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 10

    Sorry, no real pearls of wisdom here (at least not yet! :) 1) "Why black women?" - why not?? For me its just that I'm not in any position to let race to be any kind of obstacle. There are MANY black ladies here that I could totally fall for. 2)"Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry" - running short of white women?? What are they, cartons of milk at the grocery?? This is an attitude that I come across a lot (from all sides) and that is that getting hooked up/married is either like going to the store and choosing one or it "just happens" like the sun rises every morning. just my 2 cents worth

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  47.   Dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 18 Nov 10

    @friendly13 and bigeyes31 I just wanted to say hello. How are things going with you? friendly did you get your deck finished? I hope you both are doing well and hope you both find the man who will love you endlessly and will make you happy. God Bles! Danny

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  48.   Jabrony says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 10

    I am a white man who loves black women. They have the best skin tone, lips, and hair, and most of the ones I've interacted with are pretty nice. Unfortunately, all the beautiful black women here in Monterey, CA already have boyfriends, so I've never had the opportunity to actually date a black woman (hopefully my prospects will improve when I move to southern California next year).

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    • bigeyes31 says:
      Posted: 13 Nov 10

      If you REALLY want to meet beautiful good black women,you should move to the south,lol. Good luck.

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      • Posted: 13 Nov 10


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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 15 Nov 10

      Hey Jabrony, I have been studying on this site the demographic locations of beautiful black women for awhile and the two main places to find them are New York the entire state and California the entire state. So I think you will find someone in CA that will be interested and free because that is were all the hottest black women on this site usually are from. And I am referring to the ones who are 35 and younger. Older attractive black women can be found all over the country so it all depends on the age range you are looking for.

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      • bigeyes31 says:
        Posted: 23 Nov 10

        @serenity what woman wants to be referred to as "hot"? Did you know that this term has a underlying interpretation? When a man refers to a woman as "hot" it means he is only interested in sex with her.

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        • bigeyes31 says:
          Posted: 23 Nov 10

          oh yeah I personally think Canada, Norway,Sweden,Ireland,Greece and Italy have the best looking white men and seem to have a much more pleasant attitudes and mentalities.....:-) Hey Dannyco56 how's it going? Well I hope and thanks for the hello.

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  49.   blue1 says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 10

    This blog seems to have been hijacked and gotten away from the question. As a white man I love black women because God was just showing off when He made the black woman. Not all bur many black women are real women and once you get past the front they put up you will find a special person who can love you. Of course the curves help especially the big curve.

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  50.   libqueen_82 says:
    Posted: 11 Nov 10

    'why white men like black women?' why not? Black women are strong, beautiful and just as successful as any other race of women so they can date who ever they want. As far as cultural differences, those will always exist btwn different races, it's the stereotypes that are ridiculous and any mature man or woman who knows what their standards are don't need any one to tell them how they are supposed to act, they just know. It doesn't matter what race you are, it's your upbringing that matters, but unfortunately a lot of ppl rather be ignorant and rely on stereotypes than try to learn about things they may not have personal experience with, like trying to learn about some else's' culture. We ALL can be judgmental at times but if we are willing to learn about who ever we are trying to judge, it is a lot healthier experience than living our lives solely based on stereotypes presumptions. It's funny that they is ignorance is "bliss" no, ignorance is dark, deceptive and cruel! and with ALL the problems of the world, the color of some one's skin should be the last thing on ppl's mind but unfortunately it's constantly in to play:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(:"(

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    • Posted: 12 Nov 10


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