Why Love Advice Doesn't Work For You... Yet {VIDEO}
This is difficult for me to admit.
But the truth is, the average woman who reads dating advice (yep, even mine, sadly) will never make it work. Maybe she’ll try a couple of lines on that cute guy at work when she’s had a glass of wine or two, but then she’ll soon retreat back to her default behavior.
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That fun, confident, attractive woman she dreams of being will always feel out of her reach.
Because this kind of woman doesn’t have a system to make herself feel in an attractive mindset when the right guy does come along. She might be tired. Overwhelmed. Feeling stressed and lacking in self-esteem. She’s just winging it. A little burst of motivation here, a flash of confidence there, but not a truly, effective method for having her confidence grow over time.
In this video, I’ll show you what really makes you attractive over the long term, and how you can learn this system to bring out your best self whenever you need to when dating...
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