They were this close to giving up...

Posted by Leticia, 26 Oct

By the middle of November, 2007, Liz was beginning to wonder if she would ever meet the man of her dreams. Or even someone she could learn to love. Ben felt the same way. They had tried online dating before, but neither had a strong connection with anyone. “We were both on our last leg when it came to falling in love,” Liz says now.

Unwilling to give up their hopes for a lifelong love, Liz & Ben found themselves on the site at the same time. “We’d both been members about 24 hours, more or less. And we both stumbled into the chat-room around the same time.”

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It was the kind of fortuitous timing you need sometimes to make great things happen. Somehow, two people who had nearly given up met the right person at the right time—each other. For them, the chat-room quickly shrank to two people: “Yummylizzy” and “Oppey.”

“We made some poetry and began to talk on AIM [instant messenger] the very same night,” Liz reports. Their screen names were swiftly shed as their trust and affection grew.

The distance between them—Ben lived in Maryland and Liz in Texas—deterred no one. In fact, within a couple of weeks, the pair had already decided on how to solve their geographical problem. Ben relocated to Texas in January 2008, just a month and a half after their fateful visit to the chat-room.

“We were engaged by March and married August 3, 2008,” Liz says happily. “Thank you!”

For Ben and Liz, love was always around an invisible corner, just out of sight—until they finally turned that corner. Until that moment, you never know how far away—or how near—love really is. So keep the faith!

20 responses to "They were this close to giving up..."

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  1.   chyna899 says:
    Posted: 01 May 11

    Absolutely beautiful...

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  2.   mykina says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 11


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  3. Posted: 12 Feb 11

    Awesome story :)

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  4.   L.Love says:
    Posted: 11 Feb 11

    To mesaguy: My heart goes out to you. You story brought me mixed emotions but also happiness for you. It has been a battle for me to find my soul mate and I sometimes wonder if he will ever find me a vice versa. Your story inspires me to not give up. I know that God is preparing me for my husband so I will patiently be waiting. I know that your wife is in a better place and one day you too will find each other again...God Bless

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  5.   mesaguy says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 11

    I'm date stamping myself a bit here but for those hoping...I met my beautiful black princess through a Newspaper ad placed Jan 1995. We spent several thousand minutes on the phone (me in Chicago, she in Charlotte, NC), she flew up once to Chicago to meet. After a 3 day weekend I got her safely on her flight and drove right to a jewelry store and purchased an emerald cut engagement ring. Her next flight up was for her birthday and our 2nd physical date. I proposed and she accepted (mid March '95). She moved up and we were married Nov '95. We were married for nearly 15 wonderful years but unfortunately God called her home after she long suffered a systemic disease. I relay my story not to bum you out about how that wonderful chapter of my life ended but to serve proof that it is the man and woman in the relationship that make life beautiful. It can happen. I hope Liz and Ben have a long, happy and loving marriage!

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  6.   traymarie says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 11

    Congratulaltions to the happy couple! You guys look greart! As for me, I'm still searching.....I will not give up hope either :-)

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  7.   ahtrini says:
    Posted: 03 Jan 11

    Hate to be the realist here, but speaking from experience, lets wait a few years to see how this ends.

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  8.   tishfig8 says:
    Posted: 29 Dec 10

    keepin the fire burnin wish u a prosperous life.....

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  9. Posted: 27 Dec 10

    Beautiful just beautiful. My day will come soon.

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  10.   NCBKDOLL78 says:
    Posted: 28 Nov 10

    i think they are beautiful together, i hope and pray for the best with them...many blessing

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  11.   Friendly13 says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 10

    I love this story. They look so good together and happy. This gives me hope also. This is a very encouraging true story for me. Thanks for sharing.

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  12.   Gwen46 says:
    Posted: 18 Nov 10

    Gods Richest Blessing on you both, congrats and all the best.

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  13.   Tinabutler says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 10

    iam soo happy for them it is true u can fine true love

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  14.   Bee1 says:
    Posted: 14 Nov 10

    honestly, i think they rushed because they had been looking for such a long time. but thats how it works sometimes. i wish them the best and they do look well together. :D fuzzy feelings!

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  15.   kissime says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 10


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  16. Posted: 10 Nov 10

    I wish them well, and hope they have a prosperous and successful marriage. I do admire their drive and determination in finding a way to be together, inspite of the distance. Best regards, and congrats to them.

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  17.   melodee says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 10

    Wow, this is truly a wonderful story:). I am so happy for the both of you and may God continue to Bless you both. I myself have recently found someone via similar means, although its still early ... a month to be exact, we seem to be on the same wave link as far as our hearts are concerned. I too am hoping that one day I will be posting my engagement/ wedding on this site as well. Wish me luck guys and please keep me in your prayers.

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  18.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 28 Oct 10

    I think he is too short for her!! I think she needs someone taller!!;-D I bet because of his height, he has a really big…heart which I am sure she loves!!;-P

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  19. Posted: 28 Oct 10

    I'm so happy to see that Liz and Ben found the love they were looking for. What a lovely couple you two make. I to hope to find that with someone special. He might just be on this site, who knows. I guess it's okay to look at those that live in another state seeing how Liz and Ben found a way to make it work.

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  20.   quen19 says:
    Posted: 26 Oct 10

    the couple look very preety together,keep the love burning Liz and Ben,people like us are praying for you!!!!!!!!!

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