Success Story: Scarob

Posted by Leticia, 10 May

Every man on our site should listen to this great success story from Scarob, he's got some great tips on how to contact the woman of your dreams and make her yours. Just like he did!

Hey, This is Scarob, I talk too much, so I am following a script that I wrote.

Find your soulmate on

Your site has been fantastic it's amusing how I came to you, I was on a lot of other sites and I found myself scrolling past all the women who were not dark skinned and I realized that this was something that I had to acknowledge. What did I really want in a person? I'm a white man who was married to a white woman for a long time and I was also married to a black woman for a long time at a separate point. All women appeal to me, but who did I want on my arm at all times? Who did I want to wake up to each day? Once I answered that I googled your site and I set up shop once I found you.

Within a month I found her, now here's the thing, I am not normal by anyone's standards, and that's a big under statement, I had very specific parameters for whom I was looking, I have peculiar tastes so when I found her, even thought I might have found her, she might not like the package I presented. I felt this might be an impossible mission. On a fluke, I did a search, I don't normally bother, I am a very busy person. On about the 11th page I found her, I'll say this, you HAVE to have a picture ladies or you know, your losing a lot of business right there

She was hot and I dug into her profile, and I was shocked she was looking for me. That's the best way I can put it. I sent nice message describing myself and why I wanted to meet her and offered her to check out my profile, later that day she sent me a frantic email to contact her. She sent a list of all the ways we matched. It was almost bizarre. She was whom I was looking for. I had some demands that I already knew most women wouldn't care for, nothing outrageous, but I planned on sticking on my guns, I'm not looking for a date, I was looking for a forever. So I wanted what I wanted, she met all those demands and then some. I was stunned at my good fortune, she was pretty, she is physically what I was looking for, mentally she is highly evolved, which is good because my brain is like a non-stop locomotive, so I needed someone whom could keep up. She has goals as big as mine and that was another place I was trying very hard to find someone to match me and best for all she wants someone who looks, acts and thinks just like I do. Someone who looks, acts and thinks just like I do, normally draws the police, but it worked for her. We are as perfect a match as you can ever find in two people.

NOTE to the more excitable guys out there, I beat out 6,000 of you without even trying, that's how many people contacted her, 6,000, she is bashful and private, I was the only one who responded to her in a non-threatening intelligent fashion. I shared without coming on to her; I was patient, because of that and private, we both got what we wanted. She told me, of all the lurid comeons and crude pictures and one word and one line responses she would get after responding to a potential mate... To those guys out there you blew it. I am just bad in that area, maybe even a lot worse than a lot of you, but there is a time and place, gentlemen, I chose my timing well, you did not to the tune of 6,000 of you. These ladies are people. This is a dating site, not "the red light district! (sorry I was in the Marines) just a tip, that was her biggest complaint.

The thing I liked most about your site was the convenience, I don't have the time to date, I am that busy, I don't have time to learn someone's personality, I don't think I'm alone in this but definitely I wanted a woman and after two marriages, I had decided this would be the last. There is a very good chance she is the one, ultimately who knows, but this the best starting point I have ever been offered.

This has been the Scarob and your site has literally made my dream come true.

35 responses to "Success Story: Scarob"

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  1.   SAM7167 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 11

    Woaw, your story is so true! Congrats on finding the perfect pearl! Still waiting for seems that all the good men are outside California and so they don't bother, why is that? California = red-light district? I don't know....

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  2.   2ute4u says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 08

    Well after all that and you came up a winner, you must be one heck of a guy,congrats to you both!

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  3.   tigerheart says:
    Posted: 23 Feb 07

    I wish Scarob and his mate all the happiness in the world. He gave very good tips regarding internet dating. He apparently was \"one\" sincere and serious seeker. I wasn\'t going to post a picture, but will give it a go...

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  4.   isys19 says:
    Posted: 23 Feb 07

    WOW, I hope everyone listens. Congrats on your happiness

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  5.   Monica415 says:
    Posted: 10 Jan 07

    Nice story. I'm new here and I'm always worried when I join a dating group, wondering if it legit, and after reading your story. I think I'll post a pic...see what comes up.

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  6.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 07

    MUCH congrats to you both!

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  7.   turbogirl says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 07

    Well done boy, i only wish other men on here are as human as you are......Like you said, some thot it's an adult site. And the 1st thing that comes to their minds once you give them a chance to say hi is flashing your body for them. But by doing that, they dont know they are blowing it, and loosing out on good thigs of life... W**kers!!!

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  8.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 29 Dec 06

    What a great story!! Best of luck to a truly fortunate couple

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  9.   SoSilky says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 06

    I truly hope that success story is authentic....I would love to be that fortunate here on this site.

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  10.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 22 Nov 06

    good luck and best of wishes.

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  11.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 06

    this is an amazing story.all the best in the future.

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  12.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 06

    this is an amazing story.God brought u both together for a reason and i know both of u will make that reason to shine.just believe and pray to God for guidance.congrats to both of u.

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  13.   Ann says:
    Posted: 06 Nov 06

    I have read this story twice and appreciate your advice to the men. Some are married, some are cheaters and some are only looking for sex. It is very offensive for the men to TRY to treat us like objects. Notice. I said try.

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  14.   EMBRACEME says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 06


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  15.   sweetest1 says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 06

    Congratulations and thank you for telling the others how to be a gentleman... except now the jerks can hide behind a good ruse--LOL

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  16.   Fala says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 06

    Congratulations and best wishes! Maybe one day I'll be able to write one of these stories.

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  17.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 29 Sep 06

    congratulations. i hope i can put a story to be successful. God bless

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  18. Posted: 26 Sep 06

    wow, that is amazing!! Hopefully one day some can come at me like that! That is a wonderful story, thanks for sharing!

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  19.   Carla says:
    Posted: 25 Sep 06

    I am so happy for you...I pray for you and a successful life and long term success in all you do..God Bless

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  20.   Trueharmony says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 06

    I hope you do really well. Good luck!!!

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  21.   browneye68 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 06

    congrats Rob wish you luck and all the best patience counts

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  22.   sizzla says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 06

    Don't mind the haterz Sir Rob...keep on doing you thing. Hola...

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  23.   Ann says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 06

    Scarob, You said it all to the men for the educated intelligent women of color. Most of us are not looking just for sex and money. We have great minds that are stimulating as well. The married men, the cheaters and the cheaps are real turn offs. Thank you!!!

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  24.   David says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 06

    Good luck.

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  25.   Coco says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 06

    I guess you have the patience of a saint. Best of luck to you!

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  26.   Dee says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 06

    Best Wishes

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  27.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 06

    Love reading your story. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Good luck and wishes to both of you.

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  28.   BrwnnBeauty says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 06

    Thanks for sharing this Scarob. Makes one want to stick it out a little bit longer. 6,000 is a LOT to have to go thru to get what you want, the end of the day, if you have within your arms the person who touches your was all worthwhile. Be Blessed.

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  29.   Majesticone says:
    Posted: 12 Jun 06

    EXCELLENT. If there were more men like you on this site, who were seriously looking and not playing or treating the women like hookers, I think more people WOULD be happy. And that goes for the women too, who look at men in the wrong light. I hope it works for you.

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  30.   Ginger says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 06

    Scarob, Hey. I just joined and I really appreciated your comment and happy for you and your mate. I totally agree, men need to stop and think about their behaviors on these sites. We are human and we do have feelings and looking for love and friendship. I hope you guys take heed to this message. I guess it will only work if your motives are in the right place. Thanks Scarob and best of luck to you.

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  31.   Beige says:
    Posted: 23 May 06

    I loved your story.It gives all of us hope.Your right honesty works. People are really busy and don't have time for the B***S***. I think I may have found someone on this site. Respect gets you a long way. Best Wishes to both of you!

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  32.   LeAndrea says:
    Posted: 19 May 06

    Your story was great! Honesty pays off. I have always been convinced that a person should be himself. Your story just sanctioned that theory. Best wishes to you and your lady.

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  33.   Victoria says:
    Posted: 18 May 06

    I LOVED your story!!!It was well, written and to the point!!!! I'm still waiting to see if I want to look for a mate on this site! After reading your story, I just might give it a try! Good luck to you and your new lady!!!

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  34.   Telly says:
    Posted: 17 May 06

    Bravo Scarob! Loved your story. Impressed with the fact that all men out there are not looking for some porn like relationship via the internet. It is refreshing to know that there are some men that actually use this site to meet his/her potential mate. I actually took my photo off the site because 98% of the responses I got were of a salacious nature, and not the serious type I was looking for. Your story has given encouragement to those of us who had lost hope in finding someone on this site. I believe there are more out there like you, so ladies, don't give up. Good luck and best wishes to you Scarob and your mate. Ethel

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  35.   Les says:
    Posted: 16 May 06

    Well written, well thought out and well said. Great that he points out the site is for the serious seeker, not an "adult" site. This is not a red light district, as he stated - but a site full of wonderful, accomplished and beautiful women.

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