Success Story: Phyllis and Grapjas

Posted by Leticia, 25 Aug

Just to prove that the internet really does make the world a small place, here's another success story of two people who actually knew each other and finally managed to get together when they found each other again on our site. So don't EVER let distance stop you from finding true happiness...just like grapjas and evoyne.

Here's what Phyllis had to say...

Find your soulmate on

This wonderful site allowed me to get in contact with someone I lost touch with over the years. One night, I was online checking messages & seeing who was online. My breathing was stopped for a mere second because I saw Cor's (grapjas) picture online. I immediately sent him a message & he responded the next day.

After talking on the phone & catching up, we realized we had to see each other. Two weeks later, Cor flew to the US to see me. I was so nervous as I waited for him to arrive at the airport. When our eyes met, we passionately kissed in the airport as if we were the only people there. We both knew that our love was true & we were not going to let it go again.

Cor, who is my fiance now, lives in Amsterdam. I live in Houston, TX. The distance was irrelevant to us because when you are in love nothing can get in your way of happiness. I have been to The Netherlands twice now, even though I have a fear of flying. And he has been to Houston 4 times. With our wonderful video phones, we talk to & see each other daily without incurring a large phone bill. Our wedding will be next year.

So I want to thank the Interracial Dating site for bringing me back to my one & only true love.

133 responses to "Success Story: Phyllis and Grapjas"

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  1.   Benita20 says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 11

    That was a wonderful success story to share , Hope i will also be next. Wish you good luck in you marriage.

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  2.   Benita20 says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 11

    That was a wonderful success story to share with , Hope i will also be next. Wish you good luck you marriage.

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  3.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 04 Sep 08

    Congrats on your 1st year of marriage and many more to come.

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  4.   Evoyne says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 07

    Hello to everyone....Cor (grapjas) & I will be getting married Oct. 13...just 3 weeks away...We will be sending photos of the wedding soon....Once again we would like to thank this site for bringing us back together....

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  5.   PamperedLuv says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 07

    Wow, that is so sweet!!! Congratulations and the best of luck on your upcoming wedding!!!

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  6.   TSXSC says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 06

    Very inspirational, best wishes for you both.

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  7.   romeoluvs says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 06

    Lovely story.. Best wishes for both of you.

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  8.   gms77 says:
    Posted: 22 Nov 06

    This is a lovely outcome, congrats~~!!

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  9.   RedTLC says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 06

    Congratulations on the upcoming marriage! Gives a positive perspective on long distance romance.

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  10.   msjanine says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 06

    Great Story, best wishes to you both

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  11.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 06

    Best wishes to both of you.Stay in touch.

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  12.   Evoyne says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 06

    Hello to all...we have read all of the comments & thank you for all of the support. Where are we in our relationship? We are going very strong & so much in love. Our wedding will be Oct 13, 2007. We have so much to do especially regarding the big move that Cor will be doing. Our wedding will be exactly how we want it to be. Beautiful & romantic. Men I am actually so much involved with the wedding it is great...I love Evoyne so much & I am going to give her the world. We will be together at the end of November...And will ring in the New Year if anyone else wants to know anything...please ask...we will answer everything you ask...Sincerely, Cor & Evoyne

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  13.   Evoyne says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 06

    Hello to all...we have read all of the comments & thank you for all of the support. Where are we in our relationship? We are going very strong & so much in love. Our wedding will be Oct 13, 2007. We have so much to do especially regarding the big move that Cor will be doing. Our wedding will be exactly how we want it to be. Beautiful & romantic. Men I am actually so much involved with the wedding it is great...I love Evoyne so much & I am going to give her the world. We will be together at the end of November...And will ring in the New Year if anyone else wants to know anything...please ask...we will answer everything you ask...Sincerely, Cor & Evoyne

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  14.   embraceme says:
    Posted: 02 Nov 06


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    • neveahmori says:
      Posted: 15 Jan 11

      There is an updat...they followed up and actually posted their wedding pic...they have posted a wedding pic refer to 'evoyne and grapjas' and you will see it.. it is just so beautiful! .... Am so happy for them!!!!

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  15.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 01 Nov 06

    ur story is wonderful,wish u all the best like urs is so precious.pray to God for all the best.good luck.

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  16.   Ann says:
    Posted: 26 Oct 06

    Such a sweet love story. I'd like to hear more. Blessings.

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  17.   Kara says:
    Posted: 18 Oct 06

    Yes, I hope we get to see a wedding photo after the big event. :)

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  18. Posted: 16 Oct 06

    that was a great story, congradulations!!!!

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  19.   Candy says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 06

    Good Luck you both...

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  20. Posted: 15 Oct 06 actually works

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  21.   aline says:
    Posted: 14 Oct 06

    i was not so sure of this site after many hits and misses, then i met a man, at first i did not want to talk to him because he did not want to post a picture, i went ahead and talk to him any way. Things have turned out so great between us, we communicate outside of this chat, and through emails, and i trully believe that this has turned out great..... there is true love out there, now i believe

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  22. Posted: 14 Oct 06

    This is such a beautiful story as to what love can overcome!

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  23.   Candy says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 06

    True Love is so Great, so happy for you both... Good luck in the future... p.s Hope I'm next Lol

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  24.   whytb0y says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 06

    the recipe for success , you 2 have it obviously , best wishes on a long healthy life together.

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  25.   iceburger says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 06

    hello Guys, please keep on coming back to give those left behind a word of encourangement

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  26.   paulk says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 06

    great to know the site works .... happiness can be found

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  27.   Bridgette says:
    Posted: 12 Oct 06

    Your story is proof that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Good luck you guys.

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  28.   Bahama202 says:
    Posted: 11 Oct 06

    Good luck to both of you

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  29.   Deena says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 06

    Congrats to both of you! I hope you'll share wedding pictures with the rest of us. Good luck and God bless!

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  30.   anonymous says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 06


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  31. Posted: 09 Oct 06

    it sounds like you guys are doing great--!!---Congrats!!

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  32.   generic1977 says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 06

    im very happy 4 u two nice one well done sound as a pound

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  33.   angela33 says:
    Posted: 08 Oct 06

    Whoever said that you could not find true love on the net. So many were so wrong. The net gives you a chance to communicate from afar. this sometimes, allows us to focus on the inner strengths and not just the outter physical attraction. I have found this form of dating to be the best and i will not do it any other way. Continue to spread the love and congrats. Angela

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  34.   Rick says:
    Posted: 08 Oct 06

    Congrats and best wishes to you both !!

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  35.   Rick says:
    Posted: 08 Oct 06

    Congrats...I am happy for you both !!

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  36.   ladyaly says:
    Posted: 07 Oct 06

    i wanna wish you all the best of love, true love never dies, and keep on loving each other each day as you did the very first day...

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  37.   Ann says:
    Posted: 06 Oct 06

    Will they live in US or Amsterdam? Will they please share their ceremony with us on video?

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  38.   Coco says:
    Posted: 04 Oct 06

    Very wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

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  39.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 03 Oct 06

    Great story guys. I wish u both all the best!

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  40.   RayneDelay says:
    Posted: 02 Oct 06

    Best of luck, I wish you the best.

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  41.   goodgirl26 says:
    Posted: 02 Oct 06

    best of luck you guys

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  42. Posted: 02 Oct 06

    Great story..congrats to you both!!

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  43.   marquez097 says:
    Posted: 29 Sep 06

    I'm going to have a success story on here one day just like you guys.

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  44.   Urangel21 says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 06

    Goes to show this site works,good luck to them both!

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  45. Posted: 27 Sep 06

    You can tell by the picture how much you care for one another. Good Luck.

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  46. Posted: 26 Sep 06

    congrats to you both....its great....

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  47. Posted: 25 Sep 06

    you go girl!

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  48.   nehuskerfan says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 06

    Best of luck.

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  49.   lizzy2005 says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 06

    Your story is an inspiration! I read it when I feel down. It really gives me hope that the right guy is out there for me.

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  50.   beige38 says:
    Posted: 23 Sep 06

    Congrats!!!!this is just the proof needed that this site really works. I've met someone who is on the west coast and i'm on the east. You have given the inspiration to really go for it.

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