Evoyne and Grapjas Tie the Knot!

Posted by Leticia, 05 Nov

We know many of our members often wonder how things work out when they see a success story posted on our site. For those of you who don't know Evoyne and Grapjas then here's a fresh look, for those who do then we are happy to share with you the photos of their wonderful wedding. But first, here's a personal update from Evone.

Cor & I are so happy and blessed to be together! We were married on October 13, 2007.

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It all began on a cold day in January 2006, I couldn't believe my eyes. Cor (grapjas) was online on your site. The only thing I could think of was sending a message to him. We have known each other for almost 7 years but somehow we lost contact. Your site brought us back together. We are very grateful this

site is here. Because our love is true and real, we will be eternally happy. More importantly, we are in love with each other.

The wedding: Hmmm our wedding.

Our wedding was a beautiful and elegant affair. Most of the times, we are so together & organized. But on our wedding day, it was totally different!

We forgot so many things. My shoes had to be taken off during the ceremony. I almost fainted. We both were very emotional. Our family & friends patiently waited as we continued the ceremony with love, tears and laughter. Several of Cor's family members & closest friends traveled from The Netherlands for our wedding.

I wanted the wedding to be perfect. Even though we had some minor mishaps, it was better than perfect. We held our ceremony & reception at Rosemary's Garden in Houston, TX. The chapel was overflowing with our guests. The reception in the Ivory room was breathtaking. Our theme for the reception:

Sparkling Elegance (candles everywhere, diamond acrylics, mirrors, silver, etc...) I think you can get the picture. Everyone enjoyed the food & music. We had a wonderful time!

Our plans for the future: Cor will permanently be in the U.S. around August 2008. I will be visiting him in March & June 2008. Since we wanted a long & romantic honeymoon, we wanted to wait until the summer of 2008. I am a teacher so I have the entire summer off. We will be visiting The Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, UK and Spain. WOW!! We will enjoy every day and night......

Remember, everyone on this site has the same opportunity that Cor & I had.

Our daily motto is " My most important thing today is to feel GOOD! No matter what...ASK.....BELIEVE that is is already yours......and RECEIVE (feel it)"...Be patient...Have lots of fun.....Be HAPPY!!!

10 responses to "Evoyne and Grapjas Tie the Knot!"

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  1.   Delphine says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 09

    What an inspiration. May you be forever happy in your union.

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  2.   jade74 says:
    Posted: 03 Mar 08

    Thanks for the update and the beautiful wedding pictures.Congrats and best wishes in your new life and marriage.

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  3.   kmorris says:
    Posted: 02 Mar 08

    Congratulations to the both of you.It makes me feel good inside to see interracial couples make it.Again congrats,Have a blessed life together.

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  4.   phattkitty says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 08

    congrats, Cor and Evoyne! I like your motto Evoyne. I will try and remember it on a daily. Maybe it will help my thinning patience. Best luck and God Bless you both. Keep spreading the love

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  5.   Sharon says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 08

    What a great story... Congrates!

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  6.   lovelybliss says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 08

    No Wedding can be had without a mis-happ here and there, but you are right, you have love and happiness, that is all that matters. Congrats, and have fun on that Long well traveled Honeymoon.

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  7.   jade74 says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 07

    Congratulations and best wishes.

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  8.   Natasha says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 07

    Congratulations! Thank you for your wonderful words and have a blessed life!!!

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  9.   Nikki33 says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 07

    What a stunning couple! Congratulations and enjoy each day you have together!!

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  10.   Fala says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 07

    Congratulations and best wishes to you both!

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