Success Story: Bahamasguy and Bahama202

Posted by Leticia, 25 Jul

When Corey and Donna first arrived on our site, the only thing they had in common was Bahama in their nicknames. Ironically, Corey is from the US but living in The Bahamas, Donna is originally a Bahamian but living in Florida. Listen in as Corey tells us how they met and their plans for the future...together.

Hey Jackie, This is Corey Brown, Bahamasguy on your site.

Find your soulmate on

Let me fill you in on some background. Last year in November I was on your site and so was Donna, Bahama202 and we had come across each other's profile and started chit chatting, gave each other our phone numbers and struck up a good friendship. Come to find out, I am a US Citizen but I moved over here to the Islands to work and live and she's originally from this Island and moved to the US a couple of years back and living over there. We had each gone in the opposite direction from each other.

Struck up a great friendship and what not, towards the end of November I ended up trying my luck at some other stuff and ended up turning off my profile. Around Christmas time she had a death in the family and stuff like that she was dealing with. In May I ended up coming back onto the site and turning my profile back on and sure enough she found me again. She said she had remembered me and was looking for me. We were able to renew our friendship talking and catching up on times and stuff.

Towards the beginning of June they have a big Crabest over here on Angelis Island so I decided to invite her over here for that. It made a good first date. It's an Island she's familiar with, family and friends would be around, so a safe first date for the both of us. She came over on Friday and we hit it off, she stayed until Monday and we didn't leave each other's side. We found out that we clicked and meshed on so many levels it was definitely fun. We had a great time and ever since then our relationship has been growing and developing. We are both working on spending our lives together, that's our goal and our desire right now.

Once again thanks to your website we are able to use the email there to stay in touch without the expensive phone calls from the States to overseas. She also uses the chatroom and made some good friends in there too. Your site has been definitely helpful, if it wasn't for the site we never would have met, our paths were totally, completely crossed, there is no way we would have ever met otherwise. I want to thank you and your site very much being able to be there and hook us up like that, giving us a chance to meet and giving our love a chance to grow.

Once again, thank you very much.

Responses to "Success Story: Bahamasguy and Bahama202"

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  1.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 08

    Congrats on your 1st year of marriage and many more happy years to come.

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  2.   2ute4u says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 08

    It sounds like fate brought you two together...

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  3.   Revern says:
    Posted: 09 Sep 07

    Two hearts that now beat as one. Congratulations, to the both of you.

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  4.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 07

    Congratulations on your marriage on June 29,2007.Best wishes to both of you.

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  5.   Revern says:
    Posted: 24 Feb 07

    Congratulations, and Best Wishes to the both of you.

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  6. Posted: 31 Jan 07

    I love your story!! Congrats and I wish you nothing but happiness!!

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  7.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 30 Dec 06

    All my best to you both. Keep us updated if you don't mind!! Congrats!

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  8.   marquez097 says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 06

    Its nice to see when 2 people can find happiness in each other. Congrats to you both.

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  9.   Rick says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 06

    A wonderful couple. I have all the respect in the world for these two. Corey and Donna, you are soulmates and I have much happiness in my heart for your family. Enjoy life and each other. Your friend, Rick

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  10.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 20 Nov 06

    love is what both of u have and it will carry u through.pray to God.congrats and best wishes.

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  11.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 06

    Congratulations on your engagement.Im so happy for the both of you.

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  12.   Majesticone says:
    Posted: 13 Nov 06

    Im so happy to see you 2 are still going and soon to be married... keep love alive

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  13.   Atarah says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 06

    destiny is what brought u two togethert,and because of that i know ur relationship will last.pray to God and he will help u both through anything that will come ur of luck and congratulations,u both deserve to be together.

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  14. Posted: 03 Nov 06

    This is a great couple and I wish them both the best. I know donna has 4 adopted children which I think is the greatest. I think this says so much about her. all my respect, Rick

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  15.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 19 Oct 06

    It's a pleasure to have chatted with both of you. Congratulations and best wishes that you have found each other. You are blessed to find love.

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  16.   Fala says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 06

    Congratulations and best wishes to you both! Maybe it will happen for me one day.

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  17.   Evoyne says:
    Posted: 15 Oct 06

    Wishing you 2 a very happy life together. We can truly understand about the distance. But love endures all of the situations that occur. Thank you for the comment on our success story. BTW are there any marriage talks yet? Sincerely, Cor & Evoyne

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  18.   Donna says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 06

    To Corey I love you lots baby, can't wait for you to finally move to Florida. Donna

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  19.   Rick says:
    Posted: 10 Oct 06

    congrats you 2. Donna, we chatted a few times and I know yu are a great woman. I am very happy for you. You two look great together. Best wishes. Rick

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  20.   Urangel21 says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 06

    Awwwwwwwwww,good to know long distance relationships work cause the only men that interest me live far away!

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  21.   whytb0y says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 06

    Best wishes and be blessed , don't forget to name your first child after me lol.

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  22.   aantonio says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 06

    See long distance relationship can work, as long as the couple puts everything in it. Congratulations. god bless

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  23.   bradlee says:
    Posted: 18 Sep 06

    Good luck you guys!!!

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  24. Posted: 13 Sep 06

    Beautiful story!! Nice that you had already started a friendship!! Congratulations!!

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  25.   David says:
    Posted: 12 Sep 06

    Great story and good luck.

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  26.   charlee1 says:
    Posted: 10 Sep 06

    congrats and best wishes to you both

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  27.   euroecuboy says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 06

    Awww how sweet

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  28.   Natural72 says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 06

    I guess you username does have a little bit to do with it huh? Congrats on you relationship and send out good vibes to those of us who are still living the single life.

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  29.   TEE says:
    Posted: 05 Sep 06

    Best wishes, good luck to you both

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  30.   sweetest1 says:
    Posted: 05 Sep 06

    Congrats and many blessings to you both... hope everything you want and desire comes about in your relationship!!

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  31.   Ghost says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 06

    congrads, and best wishes

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  32.   joe says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 06

    good luck you two

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  33.   corey says:
    Posted: 02 Sep 06

    Thank you all for the great comments and support! Corey and Donna

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  34.   deborah says:
    Posted: 02 Sep 06

    best wishes you guys

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  35.   JADE74 says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 06

    You are so blessed. My God bless you both. Congrads to you.

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  36.   Dean says:
    Posted: 31 Aug 06

    Good luck, and best wished to you both, send an invite to the wedding

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  37.   xina03 says:
    Posted: 30 Aug 06

    Wish u guys happiness.....

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  38.   Dora says:
    Posted: 26 Aug 06

    Congrats! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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  39. Posted: 25 Aug 06

    Congrats, thats they way its suppose to end!

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  40.   Domlatrel says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    See true love can be found

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  41.   Brian says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    Best of luck to you both. WIshing you true happiness.

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  42.   embraceme says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06


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  43.   cocobuny27 says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    i think its a wonderful thing to have found someone sooo special....I have been fortunate to find someone also, best of luck to you both!!!

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  44.   Carla says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    That is a great success story and I wish you both the VERY best of luck xo Carla

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  45.   Angelia says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    Congrats...reading these success story is definitely inspiring...I hope to have a success story in the near future wishes

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  46.   jimmirix says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    Such a sweet story. The stuff romantic novels (and perhaps soaps) are made of!That it's true is remarkable. All the best in your future endeavours!

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  47.   sizzla says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    God Bless you and may you find happiness.

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  48.   Sandy says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    I've had one bad experience and (so far) one good experience on this website. I'm hoping my relationship turns out as happily as yours. Good luck.

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  49.   diva says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    congrats guys! hope your relationship will last a long time unlike some on here. Just goes to show that if you really love someone distance is the least thing to worry about.

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  50.   elsiesn says:
    Posted: 25 Aug 06

    Congrats and blessings in all you do

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