Vegas Wedding: Jeff and Toni

Posted by Christelyn, 29 Jul

Jeff_Toni success storyThis summer, Interracial Dating Central was responsible for yet another match and marriage! Meet Jeff and Toni, who met on IDC and had their ceremony in Las Vegas! Jeff learned of IDC through Christelyn Karazin, publisher of Beyond Black & White, brand ambassador for IDC and author of Swirling: How to Date, Mate and Relate, Mixing Race, Culture and Creed.

So IDC and Beyond Black & White decided to make this one a party! Members and fans of Beyond Black & White and IDC came together from all over the United States to celebrate at The Linq Hotel.

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Toni and Jeff both reside in Michigan. This is the second marriage for Jeff, and the first marriage for Toni. They're so excited to start their life together and know that without IDC, it might not have ever happened. Here is how it all went down!!

Jeff_Toni Success Story

Jeff_Toni Success Story

Jeff_Toni Success Story

Christelyn Karazin is the co-author of Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate, Mixing Race, Culture and Creed. She also operates the popular blog, Beyond Black & White, a site dedicated for black women interested and/or involved in interracial relationships

16 responses to "Vegas Wedding: Jeff and Toni "

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  1.   ronah2 says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 16

    Wow hope my dream comes true

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  2.   brownbaby71 says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 16

    Congraulations may God bless your union.

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  3.   gewaja says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 16

    How joyful to have a partner. Admiring the couple. I believe God will give me a lover soon as possible

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  4.   sirewa says:
    Posted: 23 Mar 16

    i love that wedding god blessyou all and hope mine is going to be here soon i just pray to the mighty lord so that i get my soulmate here

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  5.   0811 says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 16

    Congrats to you guys.........i will follow suit soon lol.

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  6.   aschele says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 16

    congratulations you guys! god bless your union always <3

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  7.   Reddanne says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 15

    Very beautiful couple, open and lovely. May God bless them and have the joy of the Lord

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  8.   Loztaz says:
    Posted: 06 Oct 15

    Congrats..wishing you good luck n happy future

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  9.   pennygirl12 says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 15

    this is so good i am on here but not meet any one as jeff and toni there very beautiful and i wish them god blessing

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  10.   quzuri says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 15

    Congratulations, wish you all the happiness in the world

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  11.   Chamz says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 15

    Woow!congrates!!wish I could be as lucky as you #all smiles

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  12.   Mesweetpea1 says:
    Posted: 16 Aug 15

    You two are simply delightful! I bet people really enjoy being in your company. I couldn't stop laughing. I wish you blessings beyond measure for your new life together!

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  13.   sistaBioss says:
    Posted: 16 Aug 15


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  14.   downview says:
    Posted: 14 Aug 15

    as long as you are happy thats all what matters

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  15. Posted: 02 Aug 15


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  16. Posted: 30 Jul 15

    Congratulations!!!! May GOD bless you with many happy years together.

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