How To End An Online Relationship
Ending any kind of relationship is very difficult.
Here are a few crafty ways to end an online relationship:
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You can text them and say exactly what you feel and think. Try to use respectful language without hurting his/her feelings.
Talking or discussing over the phone will give you the chance to listen to them as well. Or if you just want to have your say without hearing their thoughts, you could politely ask them at the beginning of the conversation to let you finish, and then try to end the conversation as politely as possible.
If it is a discussion, answer their questions as nicely and politely as possible. Make sure your answers are to the point without saying anything unnecessary.
You can start by remembering all the good times you had together (even in the online dating world) but then explain the reason you are ending the relationship.
Even though you are ending a relationship, you must remember that how you end it, represents who you are and how much you respect yourself and others. Even if they did something wrong, hurt you or left you no other choice but to end the relationship, you must always hold it together and say what you feel and think, with respect for yourself as well as the person you are talking to.
5 responses to "How To End An Online Relationship"
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Vicmon54 says:Posted: 18 Apr 23
This article should be prominent. Even when I’ve had a few dates the way the men I’ve met here simply stop communicating with no explanations. They just block your number and move
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Batchsamba says:Posted: 04 May 23
Bravo like wise the women too I myself have had similar experiences with lot of the women the just block you and mostly no reason is given and if given is really very unpleasant phrases
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Deepraise says:Posted: 10 Jun 23
Probably met the wrong ones or your approach
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I think the best way is by calling the person this in another way will boost the opposite party mood than rather just writing to the person such phrase's like not interested/ you are not my type and others those not sound well I fully support calling In this form you and the next person will feel a big senses of relieved