Her Ship Has Come In

Posted by Leticia, 09 Apr

Geovani is proudly serving her country in the United States Navy.  Her search for love was at a standstill before she met Cory on our site.  “In the real world,” she would meet guys she liked initially but some incompatibility would arise once they got to know each other.  She would learn that he was a smoker or didn’t like dogs or had too many kids.  It seemed like something always came up.

Geovani decided to try online dating because it allows you to find out those kinds of things before you invest much time or energy in a potential relationship.  One day, she was browsing profiles and found Cory’s.  Something about his look and essays made her want to know more about him.  What’s more, Cory happened to be online at that moment.  So Geovani wrote to him…

Find your soulmate on InterracialDating.com

“I started to get a little discouraged because I wasn’t receiving a prompt response,” Geovani laughs.  “Until I finally got a reply!  We ended up talking into the early morning.”

While on active duty, Geovani would find herself looking forward to her conversations with Cory.  When the night of their first date arrived, she was a little surprised by his appearance.  “I expected him to be a little taller than he is,” she admits.  “I wasn’t used to the facial hair, but it grew on me.  I also loved his size: not too skinny, not too solid.”

They went to a movie and wound up sitting in Cory’s car until 3 a.m., talking.  Cory knew he had to work in the morning but it was worth it to him to spend time with Geovani.  She felt secure with him and never questioned his intentions.

Rather than spend Thanksgiving in her barracks on the naval base, Geovani got to have her holiday meal with Cory and his family.  In turn, he accompanied her home for Christmas with her own family.

The couple has become very close. When Geovani goes to her next duty station, it’s likely that Cory will come with her.

“Cory has an ENORMOUS heart,” Geovani says.  “He’s very affectionate, very caring, and very protective.  I know that if it’s within his power, I will need for nothing!”

9 responses to "Her Ship Has Come In"

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  1.   matul says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 14

    Wow lovely story

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  2.   hawa4real says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 11

    wow, it give me more corage to not loose hope.

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  3.   patriot9878 says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 11

    It's weird, but White and Black couple and 100% of the Blacks say it's great. Whites would probably be 50/50 split. Black women know with a White guy their child will be lighter and maybe more money.

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  4.   eve3000 says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 11

    Both of you are cute as buttons. I wish you the best. I love the way the two of you look together. God bless you with happiness.

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  5.   IMAJINE says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 11

    You guys make such a cute couple good luck!!!

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  6.   MackLee says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 11

    Beautiful young couple. Gives me hope :)

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  7.   kay.j says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 11

    This is such a great story and it gives me inspiration to not give up.. I wish you two the best in the future to come!! :)

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  8.   EarthAngel3 says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 11

    Looking good you 2:)

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  9.   hotrod2009 says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 11

    What a lovely story. I wish Cory and Geovani the best in their future.

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