Grateful for His Second Chance
Kim certainly didn’t expect to meet someone special who lived overseas. In fact, he thought he had configured his on-site settings to screen out international singles. But somehow, “Angelsmile78” got through to him all the way from England. “I wasn’t expecting much other than a neat conversation with an English gal,” he says. “However, as I talked to her, I began realizing how small my world truly was.”
While Kim had never set foot off American soil, “Angelsmile78” was quite the traveller. Her real name was Neapah and she was from Jamaica originally. “Even though she was younger than me, she had seen and done so much,” Kim says. He was a bit intimidated and didn’t realize until later that it came off as arrogance.
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Many online introductions might have ended there. But Kim persevered. He really liked this girl and hoped she would give him a second chance. “I kept opening myself up to her, even made a video for ‘us’ and finally got a response back,” Kim says, relieved. “We figured out where I had gone wrong and put it behind us.”
Kim and Neapah began communicating frequently through a variety of means. For his first trip outside the U.S., Kim booked a flight to London to visit Neapah on her birthday. In the course of his week-long stay in the U.K., the couple fell deeply in love.
It was painful for Kim to leave but once he did, he used Skype to correspond with his sweetheart. This helped them keep the torch lit over their long months apart. After several months of what Kim calls an “E-engagement,” the couple were married in Gretna Green, Scotland. “It was very much a storybook wedding that will always be filled with fond memories for re-telling,” Kim beams proudly.
Kim adds that our website was instrumental in the happiness he now shares with Neapah. “It brought two very different people together from 4000 miles apart!”
All in a day’s work, Kim! Congratulations.
159 responses to "Grateful for His Second Chance"
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odeam says:Posted: 06 Oct 16
Wow I'm happy for you guys, Congrats and I pray God locate me To my better helf soon Amen
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Nina2mutoni says:Posted: 27 Sep 16
Woow, good story and i wish u the best all god be with u
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merzsnopy says:Posted: 17 Aug 16
Super nice story god bless you gave me hope .my interracialdating famil.thank you
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nth22 says:Posted: 17 Aug 16
Still looking for mine waiting on God to help me find the one for me
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curvie says:Posted: 14 Aug 16
is it me,or does it seem weird I haven't found a guy yet,!!!!??
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great43 says:Posted: 20 Jul 16
This is so lovely which I could find someone I can spend a life time with.
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ModelMarcy says:Posted: 15 Mar 16
I only look good in photos if I am crying or am in Mona Lisa smile mode. This story, and the picture to back it up, allows a female like me to see Happiness in true form! To see that I don't have to be ashamed for asking a dating site for help. Thanks for the proof and the courage to not give up on love. May God bless
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Picot says:Posted: 12 Jan 16
Wouuu! Congratulations.That's great! I faith one day I will find mine. God is glory!!!
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Magiclady59 says:Posted: 31 Dec 15
That was beautiful, a love Story in the making.
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nyashe says:Posted: 13 Nov 15
Congratulations, Blessed you both. God is work in your life came true what you did need. i wish get one day but i don't know when because God know only when. i just keep faith and pray everyday so God know what i need. God bless you
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kumarasisira says:Posted: 05 Jul 14
Dat's right we shall find tha perfect match in no tym like they did.may God bless their love.....your future life
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darringg says:Posted: 25 Mar 15
May God bless us too and gives us strength NT to tire.
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Nordia18 says:Posted: 24 Dec 13
Beautiful story.. Hopefully I'll be bless to meet the love of my life on this site
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erberry says:Posted: 15 Jul 15
Have faith. I joined this site six days ago, i flirted with a guy same day, he accepted, he came visit me three days after, you cant believe, we are together, like two love birds. He is coming to spend the weekend with me again for the second time, am so greatful, i love this site. You will meet yours
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misssjk says:Posted: 02 Nov 13
I love this seems so special I hope to find my true love here!
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DJD2013 says:Posted: 08 Sep 13
I wouldn't let 4000 miles keep me apart either especially if I knew this was the real thing!
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Silverelite says:Posted: 12 Aug 13
G Wow, interesting read. Hope everything works out!!!!
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statician says:Posted: 04 Nov 12
This is awesome and am also seeing this in future.
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Raymond32 says:Posted: 04 Oct 12
wow wat a interesting story even i my wish is to get one or and a very lovely one
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Changes38 says:Posted: 24 May 12
Congratulations to the happy couple, you look well together! For those who think their love or wedding should not be, it is obvious they are still living in the bacra masa days (Slavery). Its 2012 move forward, get a life and if it hurts so much to see two people who are in love happy whether it be white or black, then that is the reason some of you are still on here for over a decade and still cannot find the person who connects with you. I take great offense to this criticism because I am Jamaican by birth. Those who are bashing this couple know nothing about them, maybe you all need to take a trip to Jamaica and see how diverse our Island is. Our motto is “OUT OF MANY WE ARE ONE”, which means we do not see color in individuals we see humans and though some might be lighter than others, we are all equals as humans and as Jamaicans. Have all you haters thought of giving off positive vibes to everyone you meet? Maybe if you do this you would not be on here the length of time you have, and still have not found anyone to date? This is a new world and people preferences in their mats are not based upon what their neighbor, family or friends views anymore, it’s based on who they are happy with. These couples along with many others have found love on this site, and are happy living their lives. So why don't we all just encourage each other, and if your own race is what you like, by all means date them, but do not criticize those who have different preference from you. Give constructive criticism you will be surprise how fast you will find a soul mate when you start to generate this kind of vibes. Start by saying “No Problem man”.
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simbamalala says:Posted: 02 Dec 11
soooo sweet, hope we all get our other half.....may Gods love keep you together, stronger, and wiser. all the best.xx
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Medium30 says:Posted: 01 Dec 11
Wow this is a touching story,you can see that these people are in love. The reason why some haters say the comments they say is because they have never been in love in their miserable lives however they will meet their bitter rivals too soon. l wish that couple the best and man you choose well she is perfect.
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Lovin43lovin43 says:Posted: 22 Oct 11
For sure, with Kim and Neapah's story demonstrate that they came to the website determined! It further concludes, with love nothing is impossible - no barrier imagine Kim had never left USA soil but for the woman he loved, he had to go out and get her. Thanks Kim for having taken that step. With love, the sky is the only limit. May the God who made this happen keep your love stronger for ever and ever. God bless your marriage abundantly.
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queenjillian says:Posted: 10 Oct 11
Congrats on your wedding i pray that your marriage will last forever. That is a beautiful story i like reading and hearing about real love, true love, unconditional love. And the fact i am a Jamaican too is a plus you go sista.
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Tyna123 says:Posted: 20 Feb 19
Hy qeen how u i guess you are cool.just checkin to.say hello n wil be glad to get an hello from you cheers
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Tyna123 says:Posted: 20 Feb 19
Hy qeen how u i guess you are cool.just checkin
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JDigriz says:Posted: 06 Oct 11
I'm conflicted, Good luck for them and I'm happy for them, but..... I'm still waiting for my first chance!! (ignore me, I'm just a little bitter today)
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Sweetnsxxe says:Posted: 06 Aug 14
Don't be bitter... you time will come....:)
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sandy087 says:Posted: 17 Sep 11
I wish you good luck in your marriage .May the good Lord bless you all Amen.
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happygolucky says:Posted: 17 Sep 11
Best wishes. They took their time, no whirlwind. They seem mature and well grounded their love is not based on lust they are going to be married for the long run. By the way, of all the interracial couples that I know, the bw/wm have been married the most. WM and BW have much in common, and the very qualities that some small minded BM call aggressive, WM call determined. The reason why WM aren't commenting much on this thread is they are busy emailing me, lol. Let me get back to you later. :)
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bahianut says:Posted: 27 Aug 11
are these stories real .....I am not seeing that type of action on my page LOL
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happygolucky says:Posted: 17 Sep 11
@bahianut, fill out your entire profile. Say more upbeat, positive stuff. Your photos are mixed, some look old some new but mainly they don't really look consistant. Take new photos, daub on a little more lipgloss. Read Evan Marc Katz and more dating sites. You are pretty, just have to be more positive, at fresh photos. speak of what you want, avoid the negative. Good luck.
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Baileyboo says:Posted: 06 Aug 11
@denilson.. if you are so big on dating your own race why are you on an INTERRACIAL dating site? Why can't you just be happy instead of judging and being rude. To people you don't even know. She picked him over you because even though you think you look better in your opinion his attitude has to be better than yours, because yours sucks!! Why can't people just be happy for people anymore? Why do you have to be such a hater. It amazes me how many ignorant people are on this site. Once again if you do not accept interracial dating why the hell are you on this site?? UGHHH negative people piss me off..
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bubu777 says:Posted: 20 Aug 11
i would go for a white guy if he is nice and the man of my dreams.don't judge look u mght get lucky like them
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Denilson2000 says:Posted: 05 Aug 11
How can a white guy like that get her ? Someone is having a laugh ....right ? Please tell me. How can a black woman be attracted to him ? I'm not having it. Your trying to tell me she is more attracted to him than all the brothers she most likely grew up with ? It just goes to show any white man get a hot black woman. But brothers....go to a white club or bar and try and get one of their babes and let's see how far you get Go to an Asian festival or Latino Festival and try and get one of their babes and let's see how far you get. IF YOU ARE REGULAR BLACK GUY. YOU WILL HAVE NO CHANCE. Yet any punk arse white boy, can land himself, the prime of our race. This is a joke !!!
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happygolucky says:Posted: 17 Sep 11
@Deilson 2000 I saw your profile you're another bitter black babydaddy, bitter as heck. go take care of your kid or better yet marry a white women as you are obcessed with them! Your bitterness is very clear and obvious. Imma tell you straight: you are afraid of completing with white men for women. Too bad. Step up your game, go back to school but dude all on this board you are tell the world how insecure you are.
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Assedo says:Posted: 31 Jul 11
awesom. Hope one day i will have a happy ended like this couple
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sincere2011 says:Posted: 30 Jul 11
This is so sweet...So such a wonderful ending... hopefully I will find true love like Kim and Neapah... :)
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713Mandingo says:Posted: 16 Jul 11
What gets me is that there's only 2 white people that responded to this,and seeing all the black people on here and saying congrats is making me think.Are there that many black people that don't like dating their own?It's amazing how we as a race as so quick to accept and wanna be with others that are not our own tells me how seperate we are as a people.
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happygolucky says:Posted: 17 Sep 11
So? If you don't like it move on. You are clearly jealous. Go get a white girl of your own, lol
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tonyrodg says:Posted: 08 Aug 12
I am a wm senior citizen that will answer your question.. You don't rant about the 12% of the brothers who are marrying white women because you feel you are getting even with the white man. Then you get upset when the white man finds black women attractive and date and marry them you play the race card on the black woman. To all bw out there date whomever you want that will make you happy. Either date out or die out.
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cass02 says:Posted: 15 Sep 15
Come on Guys !! This very wonderful site is a place where people are supposed to visit to find both friendship and yes (hopefully; God willing) Love. There is no place here for hate spewing and negativity !!!
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littlelina says:Posted: 27 Jun 11
Congrats!!.........Love is something beautiful if you really find the right partner. Thank God for bring you together to discover that you really meant for each other. I am happy for you and may you enjoy that wonderful love.
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eve3000 says:Posted: 29 May 11
Jim Bassett: How dare you call any human being a mongrel. Who are you to call any person a mongrel. Do you live in a glass house? Be very careful. Your negativity and possible hatred will inventually swallow you up and destroy you. Shame on you. Blessings to this couple. I'm happy for anyone who finds the special one in their lives.
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Radiance88 says:Posted: 24 May 11
Fabulous! May you live with happiness, good health and Prosperity ..
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hareboing says:Posted: 14 May 11
Im so happy 4 the both of you I just hope that I can find that special person that I am seeking. Any takers
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That's so wonderful