Glad they never gave up on love

Posted by Leticia, 01 Jun

Eeuwe and Michelle were dissatisfied with their dating experiences and decided to try the online alternative.  Late one night, Eeuwe stumbled across Michelle’s profile on our site.  Before they knew it, they were on a date!

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From the moment these two first laid eyes on each other, they knew something special was going on.  “It was chemical,” says Michelle of their instant mutual attraction.  Both felt as though they’d known each other for years.

From that point on, Eeuwe and Michelle didn’t even think about dating other members.  Now engaged, the couple are making plans for marriage and family.  They describe their relationship as free of complaints and almost effortless.  “He’s so tolerant, easygoing and understanding,” Michelle says of her man.

After having a rough go of it in the past, the couple couldn’t be more amazed and delighted at how effortless their connection feels.  This experience has inspired Eeuwe and Michelle to give a few words of advice to daters who feel like they did, not so long ago.  “Yes, it is possible to find true love on a dating site,” Michelle declares.  “You just need to be patient and have faith.”

12 responses to "Glad they never gave up on love"

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  1.   gie40 says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 11

    i hope i can meet the real one.

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    • Nathco says:
      Posted: 26 Feb 14

      With God all things are posible,you we meet the real one.

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  2.   lebella says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 11

    Yay hope this is for real

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  3.   eboniwifey says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 11


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  4.   Drsuremelle says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 11


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  5.   Tayra01 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 11

    Lovely couple.Wish you the best!

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  6.   delei says:
    Posted: 05 Jun 11

    Good for you. I wish you only good things!

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  7.   lililove says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 11

    i don't think so because my cousin married a girl that he met last year they only been dating for months .

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  8.   jvhorne says:
    Posted: 02 Jun 11

    i think this stuff is made up..i really do

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    • Darlinu says:
      Posted: 18 Jun 11

      You could be right, but, I know eight couples who met through an online dating site. My girl, Carol was the first and I thought she was crazy. Well, that was six years ago and she is still, happily married. Then Jeff flew to Brazil to pick up his bride, they have a 5 year old son and expecting another. Erin, Richard, Holly, RC and Mary are all not only with their online partners, they are all still very happy....I am not laughing anymore...I figured I would give it a try...who knows, maybe I will be so lucky! Peace!

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    • rarestgold says:
      Posted: 22 Jun 11

      you must still be single - lol

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