Do Republicans appear intolerant to interracial relationships?

Posted by Sidney, 20 Dec

Social science indicates many Republicans carry some elements which are animated by racism. Eric Knowles, a political psychologist at New York University said: "Race is inevitably going to become a more and more important part of Republican strategy as it becomes more and more a party of whites and especially white men. Demographically, that's where their base is."

Presidential candidate Donald Trump's recent rants about barring all Muslims from entering the United States has re-sparked the debate about the intolerance of the Republican Party.

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When you ask anyone if they are racist, the answer will always be an emphatic "NO!". But is that really the case? No. This is because most people are prejudicial on the subconscious level.

In 2012, an Associated Press poll was conducted to measure levels of implied racism among Democrats and Republicans, asking respondents to compare black, white, Asian and Hispanic faces. The result revealed that 64% of the Republicans showed implicit anti-black attitudes in comparison with 55% of Democrats. And as per the researchers, this difference was extremely significant.

The other way that researchers apply to measure racial prejudice is analyzing people's views on interracial dating and marriage. And even in this case, the Pew Research Center in 2012, found that 18% of Republicans disapproved of black-white relationships compared with 5% of Democrats. Again; a significant difference.

Apparently, the gap has widened over the years. More Democrats seem more tolerant of interracial relationships today than before. In 1997 for instance, there were similar numbers of Democrats and Republicans (30% and 31% respectively) who expressed their disapproval of interracial relationships, showing how much faster the approval to interracial relationships on the part of Democrats has grown as opposed to that of the Republicans since.

The truth is, not all Republicans are racist; not all Democrats are free of racism either. However more Republicans seem to carry a lot of racist baggage with them.

According to most liberal critics, Republican candidates use coded language when addressing their constituents that seems respectable on the face of it but in reality, it shoulders prejudicial view of race, ethnicity and religion. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that Trump's words and policies actually reveal the true values of the Republican party and its supporters. Donald Trump is being seen as "the walking ID of the Republican base"... saying what most Republicans suggest or wont say publicly.

Some of the Republican leaders have rebuked Trump, distancing themselves and the party from his views. Research however has shows that most of the Americans who support the Republicans are more likely to hold racial biases against people of color. For instance 79% of the Republicans agreed to negative statements about racial minorities compared to 32% among Democrats in a poll conducted by the Associated Press before the 2012 election.

Going by research, it seems more Republicans hold racially prejudiced views about interracial relationships and racial minorities. What do you think?

14 responses to "Do Republicans appear intolerant to interracial relationships?"

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  1.   CKissxox says:
    Posted: 29 Mar 16

    So many exceptional exceptions ...thanks for sharing.

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  2.   Akreazz says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 16

    My late husband was a Republican, like his father. I am a committed Democrat. We loved each other, we talked about politics, and sometime we agreed, we disagreed, or we accepted the each other view/views or compromised. Further, my father-in-law was a Republican,extremely racist and hated me. But, the bottom line was that both my husband and I loved each other, respected each others views, and kept politics, and his father's racism, and other people's views out of our bedroom, and daily life existence. As for Donald Trump, he is totally attention seeking, and nothing else.

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  3.   TonyDino says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 16

    Absolutely NOT! I'm a white Republican dating an incredibly beautiful black woman. Look at Clarence Thomas (white wife); Senator Mitch McConnel (wife is Asian). And Michael Steele (former RNC chairman and senate candidate), who is black, is married to a bi-racial woman. This notion that Republicans are, by default, racist is completely untrue.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 03 Feb 16

      TonyDino, I have to say that you are correct. Conservative WM date/marry BW more than those that identify as Liberals. A study was done about this very thing and I have to agree because in spite of what the media wants to project about BW most of us are very conservative in our views.

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  4.   Goteki45 says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 15

    My governor of Maryland Larry Hogan is a white Republican who is married to a Korean female. I agree with others, this article is based more on perception by the writer then actual researched facts about Republicans in general.

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  5.   Mosiah7 says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 15

    I'm not a member of an political party but Sarah Palin can get it and she can get it good. So Sarah, if you're up there in Alaska looking to get your swirl on you need to holla at your boy! I know you say you can see Russia from your front porch; how about letting Russia watch us instead! (joking) But honestly, I have a mad crush on her and it doesn't matter whether she's Republican or not.

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    • jaggers1 says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 15

      Let's get this straight first this article is about a political party not just one person. I also would like to set something straight Sarah Palin never said you can see Russia from her porch, she said you can see Russia from her state which is a true statement. Tina Fey did a skit on Saturday Night Live acting as Palin and Fey is the one who said you can see Russia from her house making fun of Palin. The Liberals ran with it and now everyone says Palin said when she didnt. I do however agree with you that Palin is very attractive.

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      • Mosiah7 says:
        Posted: 24 Jan 16

        You do realize I was joking, right? Hence the word joking in parenthesis in my post after I made that Russia comment. I know this topic is about a political party and not just one person but I was mentioning her because she's a GOP person I find attractive, just like most of the female analysts of Faux News lol.

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  6.   kevyster says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 15

    This article is 100% pure Social Justice bs Marxist propaganda. If Republicans were "Racist" Republicans would never supported Mitch McConnell- Republicans oppose him now because he turned out to be a RINO NOT because his wife is Korean-, Mia Love, Clarence Thomas, Jimmy "JJ' Walker,etc. Maybe who ever made this article should have realized that Democrats were the ones that originally were fully opposed interracial marriages ever being legal and don't give me that "the Parties switched sides" lie either before they wrote this article. There are many Interracial married couples that are Republican. DEAL WITH IT. In fact this article is rather racist since it ignores interracial couples if they're Republican, Independent, Tea Party, Conservative Libertarian, etc. Democrats NEVER had a Monopoly on interracial marriages,etc. Love is supposed to be color blind, but the lame stream leftist media refuses to ever allow interracial love be Politically blind. What a bunch of intolerant hypocrites who wrote this article.

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  7.   gmt45 says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 15

    I'm a Conservative Republican. BP give me a lot of flak about it, because they believe the lies the media propagates about Conservatives, Republicans and Christians (e.g., racist, sexist, promote the rich, oppress the poor).

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    • jaggers1 says:
      Posted: 26 Dec 15

      Well I tend to agree that Republicans do want to promote the rich. It is for a very good cause in my eyes though, the rich provide jobs so.if we tax them harder as Democrats wanna do then either of a few things will happen. 1 they will pass that onto the consumer, 2. They will cut jobs or worse move jobs out of the USA to pay less in taxes. So with that in mind answer me this when is the last time a poor person gave you a decent job ? We do need to support the rich so that the rest of us have jobs and don't sponge off the government. When we live off the government then they own us. It's simply put the Republicans do support the rich which also helps the poor or middle class.

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  8.   jaggers1 says:
    Posted: 24 Dec 15

    I am a Conservative Republican and the ones I know seem to all be in agreement with me. I don't care the color of skin but I care more about how the person treats me.

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  9.   Notadream says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 15

    Every republican I've ever met is tolerant with interracial relationships. This article doesn't seem to be correct.

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  10. Posted: 19 Dec 15

    I am a BW and my first BW in high school was a Republican. He was also president of the young republicans.

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