Distance couldn't keep them apart

Posted by Leticia, 15 Jun

Toni wasn’t happy being single, but she didn’t much care for the bar scene, either.  If she wasn’t at work, she was probably at home.  And yet she kept wondering about what kind of men might be out there, waiting for someone like her, out in the world of online dating.

Meanwhile, William lived in a small town with a small pool of single women to interact with.  On a lark, he decided to post a profile.

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It was awhile before their paths crossed online.  Both experienced what Toni calls “a never-ending job interview” with different people, a process of questions and answers that never produced a perfect match.  Seeing Toni’s profile, William reached out to her.  Toni felt a connection in their first phone call, but she knew that she was only one of several women William was communicating with at that point.  By their third call, Toni thought that she had made a new friend and that was probably it.  But despite the 18-hour drive between them, William would not be deterred.

“He said he needed to meet and confirm what he already knew,” Toni says now.  “So he drove nine hours north and I drove 9 hours south.  We met in Williamsburg, VA.”

In person, Toni had the feeling that she and William had been friends for years.  He was open and honest, he made her laugh, and he was exactly who he’d portrayed himself to be online.  “The best part of meeting someone online is that you take the physical part out of the equation right away,” observes Toni.  “This forces you to really get to know the mindset of the other person.  So by the time you get to see ‘the object of your affection’ in person, you’re just sent over the top.  It brings it all together, in the right order.”

Toni has joined William in Georgia and they are now engaged to be married.

18 responses to "Distance couldn't keep them apart"

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  1.   Precious351 says:
    Posted: 14 Aug 15

    Yes distance does not matter

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  2.   joesey says:
    Posted: 19 Jul 14


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  3.   malaak1986 says:
    Posted: 21 May 14

    waw !wonderful indeed

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  4.   rare411 says:
    Posted: 10 May 14

    Its hard getting a relationship started here with interracial matches in other continents if you live in certain African countries. The testimonials attest to this. Well...

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  5.   scandiblond says:
    Posted: 18 Oct 11

    I just started to talk with this wonderful man and i feel there is something to work on. Long distance? oh yes..i'm in Europe and he's in California. Distance is not an factor when 2 souls are meant to be together.

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  6.   Assedo says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 11

    I am keeping the faith also. WAs searching a long time feel i am unlucky but god know best and i am praying and hoping one day when i least expect i will receive that kind of man i am looking for that have me and my interest at heart.

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  7.   Ms.Ohio says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 11

    I love romance, love the whole union, commitment thing altogether. It's a blessing for all to find someone to partnership with in life and love. I believe everyone has an opportunity, it's just up to us to receive it. I try to focus on reaching happiness, in the most simplest way.

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  8.   Cocodelux29 says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 11

    That's right ladies and gents im also aboard the wagon of hope and patiently waiting for my prince, special someone as well, and God does have a plan..lol I pray every night for my hubby..i know and believe no prayer goes unanswerd. and I wish all of those who have found love the best ..hold up i didnt even get an invite or cant get the hookup with some cake at least. May God Bless you all!

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  9.   eboniwifey says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 11

    AAAWWW! How sweet! I know that will be a success story on here soon! LOL! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

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  10.   Hipsy says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 11

    Congrats to Toni and Williams! I hope to meet that special one here too,

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    • Onyx_King says:
      Posted: 10 Aug 11

      Yes, Hipsy. Even in Russia, Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg...you can meet that truly special one!

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  11.   dipper50 says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 11

    I want to congratulate each and everyone of you that has found love on this site. At one point I though I had, but God has other plans for me... :) I am very patient and have a great deal of love to share.........My day is coming and I can't wait...Nickie

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    • Onyx_King says:
      Posted: 10 Aug 11

      "... Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour ..." God didn't allow he who you thought was, to be the one! With your ears :), He will find you and be happy as William looks with Toni!

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  12.   ruth78 says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 11

    im so happy for them all the best im about to give up though iv been looking for too long im just unlucky

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    • gumdrop17 says:
      Posted: 04 Jul 11

      Dont give up yours is coming just be patient. Good things come to those that wait. I pray you will find your prince charming.

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    • realcutie says:
      Posted: 11 Jul 11

      You gotta be more positive. Don't say you're "unlucky" or that you're "about to give up." When you say things like that, you paint your path ... negatively. Be more positive and believe that your luck will show up soon and that you are patient enough to wait.

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  13.   damnsexy35 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 11

    Nice story, would love for that to eventually happen to me here. So far so good, wish me luck with my find..

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    • Posted: 23 Jun 11

      Don't give up. There is someone out there for us all. God will send the right person for you!

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