Black Model Jazzma Kendrick Makes Up With Italian Boyfriend After Dumping Him for Racist Remarks
Black model Jazzma Kendrick recently dumped her Italian boyfriend, retired Italian soccer player, Christian Vieri, after he used racist remarks on her. She posted several tweets which read:
"I don't care how mad I get you. That's where you cross the line. I'm not mad. I'm happy I know who you really are @vieri_bobo"
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"If you are not black (cough cough Italian) and I'm dating you, you have ONE time to say something racist towards me before I'm out the door."
However, even after this public display of zero tolerance for racism in interracial relationships on twitter, they got back together days later.
There are things that can be tolerated in relationships. But racist mentality is not something that can be wiped clean overnight. Did Vieri learn his lesson? May be he did. But does this mean he is less of a racist after having apologized and Jazzma having taken him back? See, the fact that she did take him back even after declaring her stand against racism shows that she is tolerant. So what will make Vieri not do it again. After all, she did take him back after spewing racist remarks.
If a stranger said something racist to her, is this the kind of person she can count on to stand up for her?
Maybe this is like in the case of infidelity and domestic violence. There are some people who stand by their zero tolerance against spouses who abuse them and/or cheat on them. They take these things as relationship deal breakers. And then there are those that forgive their spouses and go back to them, probably hoping their spouses will stand by their promise never to do it again. I guess some don't do it again. However, more often than not, the cheating spouse or the abusive spouse does it again - then it becomes a break ups to make ups cycle.
But when someone starts insulting you, then it shows disrespect. And if your spouse hurls racist remarks at you, in my opinion, it is disrespectful, and it should be a relationship deal breaker. But who knows what made her get back with him...
Is racism in relationships a deal breaker for you? What do you think of Jazzma and Vieri's make up after his racism?
39 responses to "Black Model Jazzma Kendrick Makes Up With Italian Boyfriend After Dumping Him for Racist Remarks"
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 27 Jul 16
I would like to know what he said because it does not seem like it was so racist if she is back him.
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Sugahrush says:Posted: 23 Jul 16
Love--REAL Love-- always requires Extraordinary effort from Ordinary people. It takes courage, conversation, consistency and commitment to maintain a relationship--ANY REALationship. (Smile). In the journey of establishing a union, we should cycle through the seasons of life and love. In the calm, sweet, romantic season, it's awesome, amazing and carefree. In the tedious, routine seasons, it can be unnerving and unsatisfying. And then there are the storm seasons when things get horribly ugly. It is in the storms that a ship is actually proven sea-worthy or safe. It's in the hottest fire that gold is refined. It's in daunting disagreements that solidarity is proofed. During these harsh times, harsh tones and terms are spoken, first, in an effort to be heard, then in an effort to hurt. It's not right, but it neednt be fatal. Desmond Tutu said, "Don't raise your voice. Strengthen your argument." I think that this couple needs/needed to learn how to strengthen their arguments. Her forgiveness and willingness to work it out is not passive or naive. Nor is it coddling a racist. It's daring to "put in work" on this REALationship. We ALL say, regrettably, unforgettably, stupid things to folks we love. When We hurt, we lash out in effort to hurt make them appear as small as We feel and fear that we are. A racist remark(s) does NOT a racist make. Nope. Takes a lot more than that. Blessings to them both.
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blacklion101 says:Posted: 22 Jun 16
Smh. He's italian and said something racist? Kind of takes my mind back to the moors and how they literally changed the italian landscape by conquest. Sexual and otherwise. He's truly ignorant and she is ignorant for making up with him.
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TriciaW says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
It would be good to know what he said, but at no point in a relationship should this be acceptable. It's a big issue to people from all walks of life but whether people like to hear it or not it's especially an issue for people of african descent (African American too :-) ). I personally wouldn't forget what is said and even though I'd forgive, am sure they'd do it again and nobody has time for that.
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ItsMyTyme71 says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
I dated a guy and after a Night of drinking he called me some very mean racists words... I still made sure he got home safe... But it was a done deal for me after that
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ladyausten says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
As the late great Maya Angelou said. " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
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IBC1987 says:Posted: 20 Jun 16
Two points here... 1: What exactly did he say? I'm not denying that he "could" have said something hurtful, but the race card is thrown more often than a baseball these days, so I'd have to see it to evaluate it. If he truly did say something mean and uncalled for, then he should apologize, and it's up to the lady at that point if she wants to accept it and move forward or leave altogether. Done. 2: Stop portraying this nonsense that only White people can be racist or hateful. I've had numerous encounters with black women and families, Hispanic fathers, and Jewish mothers who treated me like a dog, and/or said very hateful and bigoted things towards me, and I headed for the door. Racism, hate, and bigotry can be perpetuated by any man or woman, of any ethnicity, in any country. We all have to do our part as human beings to rise above it and be better people.
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Chimera13 says:Posted: 13 Aug 16
YES. THANK YOU for pointing out how the race card has become some sort of mystical shield to deflect all responsibility for ones behaviour! And believe it or not, I've been on the receiving end of rude and racist comments from black people, too; suffice it to say that their reactions towards me had a bit more vitriol due to culture clash
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jimbrowski says:Posted: 19 Jun 16
Yeah, that would be a deal-breaker for me. I guess some people try too hard.
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Amazon242 says:Posted: 18 Jun 16
Can someone please tell me where I can find my taste of me on the Interracial Site; because I am honest to goodness disappointed. In viewing testimonials there always appears to be suitable couples.
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prettyyt81 says:Posted: 17 Jun 16
I want to know what he said, and there's not enough love in this world for me to forgive something like that
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ChocolatLadi says:Posted: 14 Jun 16
I am sure he did not call her a B but mostly likely the N word came out of his mouth.
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Chimera13 says:Posted: 13 Aug 16
I'm guessing he may have said 'moolie' or called her an eggplant. Both are derogatory twd blacks, but are so ridiculous as to be forgivable. I mean…eggplant?
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urbanposh7 says:Posted: 14 Jun 16
I would like to know what he said exactly especially since the word "racist" is often times misused. With that being said, if he really did say something racist, then of course she needs to exit that toxic relationship. I have been socially acquainted with quite a few white males and if it's present, their inner bigot tends to show itself in the first three months.
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Grace_Jones says:Posted: 14 Jun 16
Am2y type of bigotry towards any demographic group is unacceptable to me. I dated a white man that didn't take that seriously until we no longer spoke. Needless to say, I did NOT take him back.
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Healthcare25 says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
good for you girl! thats definately a deal breaker. I had the same experience never again is all I can say I prefer Minoritys.
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Nikeala says:Posted: 13 Jun 16
Definitely a deal breaker. I would never trust him again and will always think that's how he really feels about me and my race.
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mila876 says:Posted: 13 Jun 16
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.
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MagicParadox says:Posted: 12 Jun 16
He might have learned not to *say* anything, but my concern is that he's still *thinking* that way. I'm all for forgiveness and learning curves and growth in a relationship, but there are lines and dealbreakers. This is one of them. AND this is why tis crucial to assess core values early on in the dating. May things go well for Jazzma, and may Christian reappraise his core values and attitudes and reject the racism he's learned. And may our society grow and discard the irrational premises of racism (okay so with Trump's movement in America, I can't say I hold much hope for this latter sentiment *sigh*).
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Only1marie1 says:Posted: 12 Jun 16
Agreed! No excuse for racist epithet. ESPECIALLY in a so-called "loving" union. Wow. Smh
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Roses74 says:Posted: 11 Jun 16
More nonsense from the world of fashion and glamour
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rosej8 says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
i cant stand black women like her, i would leave him where i met him.... one of the biggest reason i am terrified to date outside my race... wouldn't want to give myself to a racist in disguise
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Skylla says:Posted: 12 Jun 16
Hi Rosej8 - I think I understand where you're coming from however, I would urge you to think of a few things: - The most racist group of people I've encountered are black people. - I have dated outside of my race most of my adult life, when I run into ignorant guys I drop them like a hot brick. Period and I do NOT go back. - People are people; thinking there is a single race of people who have zero racist thoughts isn't healthy nor realistic. The best we (as humans) can do is know ourselves; be true who we are as an individual and ditch anyone who makes us unhappy.
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caramel413 says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
Did anybody bother to proof this article prior to release? Totally distracting from the message.
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Pinscher007 says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
Briannayes, u sure ? Vieri was a fantastic player who had a few black team mates. But his act should not be forgiven.
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LucKay says:Posted: 12 Jun 16
When apology is sincere you should forgive. However, taking him back in today's day is a mistake. Chances are this will happen again, and again.
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Asha12 says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
What did he say????
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ChocolatLadi says:Posted: 14 Jun 16
I am certain he did not call her a bitch! What did he most likely caller her?? I wonder? The N word?
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Briannayes says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
Sidney is like the worst writer you guys have.
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Tjbless says:Posted: 09 Jun 16
If he did it once he will do it again trust and believe that I was married to a white guy and I'm a black woman and he like to say the N word and I got tired of it now we are no longer together I'll put up with the N word come out of his mouth for 20 year's good luck boo
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DeeAnn says:Posted: 10 Jun 16
Twenty years? Really?
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inspire26 says:Posted: 19 Jun 16
Yes Dee, she said 20!
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TriciaW says:Posted: 21 Jun 16
20 years? You're joking right? And you stayed, you must have some serious BS Tolerance.
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blackbelle01 says:Posted: 11 Jun 16
You put up with a WM saying the N word for 20 years and your profile states WM only. If any man disrespected me for 20 minutes he would have to go. I have dated WM and was married to one as well and never did any of them call me the N word . I don't tolerate that from any man regardless or rather he is Black or White.
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Im actually considering divorcing my husband because of him using that word when he feels disrespected by other blk men. That was the last straw for me. Im working on moving out.