A Gondola Ride and a Ring

Posted by Leticia, 23 Sep

What drew Teresa to dating on the Internet was the way it can supercharge the search for love. “I’ve used other dating sites previously,” Teresa says. “Online dating helps you sort though the interview process a little quicker.”

“This site was not my first experience,” Craig says. “I wanted to try online dating to see if I could find a person who was more like me than the random encounters out in the street. As I was specifically looking for an interracial relationship, this also let ladies see that we were looking for the same thing!”

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Teresa says she was about 80% certain that nothing amazing would come of her online dating experience, but that bleak assessment was based on what happened with other online personals communities. “I’ve been on other sites in the past, with no results.”

“I was not very confident of finding love online before or even after joining the site,” Craig tells us. Well, we’re glad we could prove them wrong! And so are they. Teresa was only a member for “a week or two” before a certain gentleman contacted her. “Craig sent me an email letting me know he was interested, and that he thought we had some common interests,” she says.

We both knew we wanted a long-term relationship,” adds Craig. Teresa responded to his message, sparking a lively chain of correspondence. She describes their rapport. “I was impressed with how easy conversation was between us, and the vast number of things we both enjoyed. I could tell he was really interested because his emails were not just a few lines, and he actually thought about them before sending a reply.”

Craig appreciated that Teresa was a contemplative person, like himself, but at first it wasn’t easy to read her. “My first impression was, she sounds really cool and fun, but I thought she was very formal based on our texting and how she would imply what she wanted rather than coming out and saying it.”

In the email exchange Teresa kept her distance to some extent, but she knew Craig was her kind of guy. She didn’t keep him waiting too long for a date! “A man shows his interest when he is willing to write to you, and takes time to correspond,” she explains. “Don’t wait a few months before meeting, or they will grow bored! After several emails, I wanted to meet and see if he was who he said he was. I knew he was someone I wanted to meet face to face.”

Craig was ready, too. “I think we had gone as far as we could go with texting and phone calls. It was time to see if we had chemistry face to face. I think we also knew it was time, before we invested too much more into getting to know one another.”

Arrangements were made and after a little anxious waiting, the big day arrived. There were no unwelcome surprises at “hello,” luckily. “I was happy he was the same person in photos as in person,” Teresa says. “I was relieved that the time we invested in starting to get to know each other was not in vain.”

“Pictures don’t do her justice,” Craig says. “She is extremely intelligent and confident in herself.” He was surprised at how easily their conversation flowed, and that he actually found himself nervous in Teresa’s company. She tells us “time flew,” which is always a good sign. “We got so caught up in talking and laughing that we barely realized a few hours had passed.”

The date went so well, in fact, that before it was over the pair were already contemplating their next meeting. “I was certain [we would go out again], and I think we even talked about it before parting,” Teresa relates. “He is very close to all of the requirements of my ‘type,’ as I really thought about what I wanted and needed before I started searching.”

Craig was convinced, too. “No doubt in my mind,” he says. “I knew we had to go out again.” What impressed him the most was “her honesty,” he recalls. “And how she knew exactly what she wanted.”

For Teresa, there was more to the man she met in person than his online profile could convey. “His kindness, generosity, patience, and the way he really listens” stood out to her. “Those are all things you wouldn’t be able to grasp from a profile page,” she adds.

Craig had never dated anyone quite like Teresa before. “She is totally different,” he notes. “That explains why my previous relationships were not successful! She is my type now. I am so happy to have finally found her. We totally compliment each other’s lifestyles. Harmonious is the word that comes to mind.”

Seeing more and more of each other, the couple saw their relationship segue into serious territory. Then, it happened. “One day, out of the blue, he asked if I wanted to go to Italy with him,” begins Teresa. “Even after only knowing him a short time, I agreed. A few months later, we arrived in Venice. As part of our tour, we were treated with a gondola ride. Without my knowledge, Craig had spoken with the tour guide the evening before to arrange the perfect proposal setting, accompanied by Italian music and champagne. After a few minutes on the gondola, he professed his love for me, and asked if I would be his wife. Of course, I said, ‘YES!’”

Asked for advice to share with singles on our site, Teresa is glad to help. “Don’t put everything out there right away, or pull out the already created wedding-ideas portfolio,” she laughs. “Also, be specific in the type of person you are looking for; I even made a list at one point. Compare what you find in the people you are encountering to that list and see what you can compromise on, if they don’t measure up. Make sure your list is the things that MATTER, not the surface values.”

Craig wants to share the wisdom of his experience, as well. “Do not settle for people that play games. Be honest about what you want and your expectations up front. Also, be willing to look beyond a photograph to what is at the core of the person,” he says.

“Stay aware,” Teresa warns. “If you don’t feel right about a person/situation, then it’s probably a red flag telling you to keep away.”

Asked how he would describe true love, Craig ponders the question for a moment. “Finding the pleasures in sharing everything with someone who thinks like you,” he says. “Going through good times, and not so good times, knowing you have someone who only wants the best for you.”

“I feel like I have everything I could ever need,” Teresa says. “I feel comfort that through all things I will have a partner to share the good and the bad. Someone to laugh with, and live life to the fullest with.”

69 responses to "A Gondola Ride and a Ring"

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  1.   Anje2000 says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 20

    Tout le bonheur pour vous.quel couple que Dieu vous protège

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  2.   Knitesh says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 18

    Lovely couple

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  3. Posted: 08 Dec 18

    Am happy for you,enjoy every moment,blessings to you.

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  4.   SATYA34 says:
    Posted: 15 Aug 18

    I love Denting

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  5.   Annex17 says:
    Posted: 17 Mar 18

    I wish you both the best in your beginning.

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  6.   Gazagal says:
    Posted: 10 Feb 18

    I found the love of my life on a different dating site so when I see people posting how they met online I feel so happy because I never believed that dating sites work but I'm a witness to them.Congrats to all who have met online so anyone out there looking for a partner,be patient and never give up.

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  7.   Bbb5 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 18

    Lovely couple

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  8.   Gbea says:
    Posted: 04 Feb 18

    Anyone who finds their love one, she/he is automatically become completed in God sight, and obtained favor from God.

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  9.   Annab2b says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 17

    Thanks for sharing your story. I’m very thankful you are also sharing this piece also. “Stay aware,” Teresa warns. “If you don’t feel right about a person/situation, then it’s probably a red flag telling you to keep away.”

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  10.   Chynelo says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 17

    Great! Congrats to you both. May GOD bless your union.

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  11.   lovet013 says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 17

    Beautiful couples, I am equally praying for mine while wishing you happiness all through your marriage.

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  12.   Sonkiuru says:
    Posted: 19 Aug 17

    lovely couple...i really miss this...however is there please cab you help me to get one lady ...a caring one....please guys

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  13.   Diyash says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 17

    Cong's .nice couple

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  14.   Tilgi7 says:
    Posted: 15 Jul 17

    Amazing story

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  15.   blkbeauty99 says:
    Posted: 30 May 17

    omg, sounds like a dream! Congrats to them...

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  16.   mich14-cute says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 17

    Very encouraging

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  17.   wolio says:
    Posted: 11 Feb 17

    Wish them good luck an waiting for my partner

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  18.   raudhwah says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 17

    Pretty cool,hope to find my partner here.

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  19.   raudhwah says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 17

    Pretty cool

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  20.   raj12369 says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 16

    Very nice....i like it

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  21.   Fila42 says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 16

    Nice story very touching may god bless you both hopefully one day I will be writing a story such as this one if it's gods will

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    • kingoflo says:
      Posted: 28 Oct 19

      God may bless me and you to get joy like teresa's moment to get partners here

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  22.   nettar says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 16

    Wow wonderful,am still waiting for my blessings.

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  23.   Deeni620 says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 16

    Another wonderful love story! I wish you both the best!

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  24.   Islandgal60 says:
    Posted: 04 Apr 16

    Hope to find my prince soon

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  25.   Islandgal60 says:
    Posted: 04 Apr 16

    Awesome story, it's all about personality and great chemistry

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  26.   nicenike says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 16

    I wish I will have mine someday

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  27.   Carolynee says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 16

    great story, congratulations guys and hope my Prince is coming soon as well.

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  28.   titinuan says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 16

    Grateful to this special couple, hoping to get mine soon

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  29.   ROYDEN684 says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 15

    This is an awesome story. I wish them the Lord blessings

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  30.   Gypsy22015 says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 15

    I enjoyed this story. Thanks.

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  31.   zed00 says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 15

    Great and the future looks bright

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  32.   Precious351 says:
    Posted: 19 Aug 15

    Awesome! So inspiring

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  33.   guvyuguvyu says:
    Posted: 04 Feb 14

    A blessing to you both

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  34.   linonuel says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 14

    I wish I will have mine too one day

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  35.   lepro says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 14

    I wish I will have mine too one day

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  36.   ganesht says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 14


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  37.   kaylacatel says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 14

    hope to find my prince soon and i will love him to the end.

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  38.   kaylacatel says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 14


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  39.   bones147 says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 13

    nice one!

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  40.   sweetJ23 says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 13

    Wow dis is nice guys let hope I will find mine n join u 1 day

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  41.   d4luv says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 13

    Wish u guys best of luck. Hope to find my princes some day.

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  42.   Widz says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 13


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  43. Posted: 20 Dec 13

    good time lovely cake to share.

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  44.   jadal22 says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 13

    that was so sweet. ...

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  45.   binuku says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 13

    Its was nice love will find love

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  46.   Philjim says:
    Posted: 22 Nov 13

    So impressive, so inspiring.

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  47.   Shane88 says:
    Posted: 10 Nov 13

    Gave up reading halfway, I'll wait till they make a movie about it

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  48.   popza says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 13

    So amazing hope wl reach there someday

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  49. Posted: 14 Sep 13

    If it is meant to be it will happen no matter what obstacles you may face.

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  50.   umab says:
    Posted: 11 Sep 13

    What a touching and inspiring story, i wish i would find my own loving princess as these

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