8500 Miles? No Problem!

Posted by Leticia, 07 Sep

To find his soulmate, Tim would scour the four corners of the Earth. It didn’t matter where she was, only who she was. That’s why he joined our site—whether someone is next door or on another continent, two people can communicate quickly and easily online.

Tim didn’t know it yet but, on the other side of the world, his future wife wanted the same things he did. Essie hoped to meet a man who shared her religious beliefs and confidence that soulmates do exist. “I had tried out different sites, but it wasn’t working out,” she says now. Despite these disappointments, Essie never lost hope that she would find her match. She told us that when she tried our site, she was encouraged to see members were serious about finding a lifelong love. But it took a couple of months before Tim and Essie connected.

Find your soulmate on InterracialDating.com

When they did, they only had to look at each other’s profile to see the potential. “My first impression was ‘Wow!’” Tim recalls. “Essie also stood out because she was honest about what she wanted in life and a relationship.”

As they corresponded on the site and talked on the phone, this couple in the making became determined that an 8500-mile distance wasn’t going to keep them apart. “For the first time, I felt like I had found someone who truly understood me and cared about me,” Essie says now. “He was honest, genuine and true to his word.”

Tim flew to Uganda to meet his sweetheart in person. He was smitten by Essie’s beauty, inside and out. She thought he was cute, had a lovely smile, and was a real gentleman. In the course of dinner and a movie, Tim and Essie began to realize that their chemistry was everything they dreamt it would be.

They were married in the autumn of 2010. “I remember the pastor saying that here in Uganda, we don’t have divorce because you get the best of the best in a wife,” Tim laughs. Soon after their elegant wedding ceremony at Kansaga Miracle Center Church, the couple began making plans to start a family and lend a helping hand to the needy.

“We are so grateful to your site,” Essie says. “We’re now sharing a wonderful married life together.” Asked what they would tell singles who are still searching, the couple shares this advice: “Just have faith! It happened for us.”

39 responses to "8500 Miles? No Problem!"

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  1.   Shamone2 says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 15

    They are very perfect there is nothing to beat perfection

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  2.   Zandryn says:
    Posted: 26 Nov 15

    Congra guys hope we all have our partners one day. U gave me strenght on my search. Zandryn

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  3.   quzuri says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 15

    Wow!!! Congratulations Tim and Essie...

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  4.   Shibah22 says:
    Posted: 27 Aug 15

    I know that with God, every thing is possible

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  5.   zebna says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 15

    there is hope for everyone

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  6.   Gwambui says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 15

    as a single parent who loves the Lord, i have almost given up finding love. I have joined sites, tried 'putting myself" out there..but end up disappointed because not many men, want a woman like me. this story is touching..may god Bless your union, and for us still searching and praying for our soulmates, may we continue living in hope :-)

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  7.   malaak1986 says:
    Posted: 28 May 14

    oh my god wat abeautiful story....i think we hav the same story becous am stil searching and i wonder wen it wil hapen for me...congrats:-) am happy for em

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  8.   malaak1986 says:
    Posted: 28 May 14


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  9.   debbiecutie says:
    Posted: 15 Apr 14

    Congratulations Tim and Essie may God be with you always i hope i will find my soulmate too...

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  10.   Oclady4u says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 14

    Oh so true. The love of my life found me. After a year, 10k miles and some long flights...he made me the happiest girl in the world. We can't wait to get married in June

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  11.   wish_delish says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 14

    lovely! There is hope for me!

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  12.   ROSEFLOWER4 says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 14

    Yes, its real, i found the love of my life after 10 years of online dating. And i am visiting him soon in Sweden. May God bless our love to.

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  13.   mnati says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 13

    Really expedition,fabulous!

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  14.   carltia says:
    Posted: 26 Nov 13

    wow ok iam gonna give this a try for real

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  15.   chariebabe says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 12


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  16.   Cazlafille says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 11

    Nice to read such stories, there are thousands of people on the site still looking, sometimes I found it hard to believe, happy for them

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  17.   anya1 says:
    Posted: 24 Nov 11

    truly inspiring! gives me hope

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  18. Posted: 11 Nov 11

    It's very hard to be in distance relationships. I don't believe in that but in the same time it's cool that guys found each other and get married but it doesn't gives a hope because this is closer to anomaly .

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  19.   Agnes13 says:
    Posted: 10 Nov 11

    wow they sound so sweet,wish for them a blessing marriage ever after,may God bless you

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  20.   mh says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 11

    He is cute:)

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  21.   smoothie212 says:
    Posted: 04 Nov 11

    Congratulations and blessings to you both.

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  22.   challete says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 11

    wish you guys all the best,hope to find mine here too.

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  23.   lanejet says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 11

    you guys give me hope that i 2 will find my mate on this site...

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  24. Posted: 21 Oct 11

    I am overjoyed for the decision that Tim took to fly to Uganda to meet Essie. Great!! Now I am even more grateful to this website!! Ayaa ya, Essie wherever you are, God bless you with Tim. So it works now that I see that Tim flew to my own country Uganda for the woman he loves! God works in mysterious ways! Great, great God bless Tim and Essie! Now I am confident that I will also make it, no matter the distance. Where there is love, the sky is the only limit. God bless Tim and Essie abundantly!

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  25.   Pendoasali says:
    Posted: 04 Oct 11

    A very inspiring story,patience pays indeed.May you both have a very fulfilling marriage:-)

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  26. Posted: 01 Oct 11

    Wow... I love reading these success stories.

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  27.   dno says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 11

    She looks like the Queen of Africa, and he is her Beau for life. May the 4 winds of faith, , peace, love, and prosperity overtake you and may you be blessed in this life, and for all time. Mine was a princess, and I had to drop her back off back in the valley, LA. The best to you both. I wish that I could find my Lady, My Friend, Gods will.

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  28.   Len30 says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 11

    Thats why its called THE PEARL OF AFRICA bse of its beauty, If u love chocolate then u hv the best God bless them

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  29.   ladyg123 says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 11

    True love will find you' if you only believe.and you both have proven that! God bless your marriage in every way.Essie has found her Boaz as Ruth did in the bible .

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  30.   jewelann says:
    Posted: 13 Sep 11

    beautiful couple may God bless your life together and your family with joy. It gives me hope. Blessings

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  31.   Arakrou22 says:
    Posted: 13 Sep 11

    Only u can tell If u take a movement.

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  32. Posted: 12 Sep 11

    So happy for you both. Your story have renewed my faith in finding that someone for me. Congrats!

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  33.   Tayra01 says:
    Posted: 11 Sep 11

    Great story!God bless you both.

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  34.   Bubblylil says:
    Posted: 10 Sep 11

    God's blessings all d way...all the best in ur marriage!

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  35. Posted: 10 Sep 11

    True, Uganda does have some lovely girls.After all it is the pearl of Africa.God bless your union.

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  36.   alliswell1 says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 11

    May God Bless you both. May He continue to lead and guide you both. May He continue to treat you like the Queen you are.

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  37.   Nancycutest says:
    Posted: 08 Sep 11

    Wow, wish the couple the best in life. Hopefully I'll also get my man from the site.

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    • nashangel says:
      Posted: 14 Feb 14

      God bless Tim for taking a bold step to find his love. Congrats! am really happy for you guys. happy marriage life

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